
 The sustainability of the current vegetable marketing system in Dhaka is a complex issue with several challenges due to factors like climate change and population growth. Here's a breakdown of the concerns and potential solutions:


  • Climate Change: More frequent droughts, floods, and extreme weather events can disrupt agricultural production, leading to shortages and price hikes.
  • Water Scarcity: Decreasing water availability for irrigation threatens vegetable production, potentially impacting overall supply.
  • Population Growth: Dhaka's growing population will require a significant increase in vegetable production, putting pressure on the existing system.
  • Waste Management: High post-harvest losses due to inadequate storage and transportation contribute to environmental strain and resource depletion.

Impacts on Sustainability:

  • Reduced Food Security: Climate change and population growth can lead to food insecurity as access to affordable vegetables becomes more difficult.
  • Environmental Degradation: Inefficient resource use, water pollution from agricultural chemicals, and food waste contribute to environmental degradation.
  • Economic Instability: Volatility in vegetable prices can negatively impact both farmers and consumers, threatening economic stability.

Towards a Sustainable System:

  • Climate-Smart Agriculture: Promoting practices like drought-resistant varieties, water-efficient irrigation, and integrated pest management can help farmers adapt to changing climate conditions.
  • Improved Post-Harvest Management: Investing in cold chain infrastructure, storage facilities, and proper handling techniques can significantly reduce food waste, ensuring efficient resource utilization.
  • Urban Agriculture: Encouraging rooftop gardening and vertical farming initiatives within Dhaka can shorten transportation distances and reduce reliance on rural production.
  • Consumer Awareness: Promoting responsible consumption and reducing food waste at the consumer level can contribute to overall system sustainability.

Further Considerations for Your Research:

  • Analyze the potential impact of climate change and population growth on vegetable production and market dynamics in Dhaka.
  • Explore the environmental footprint of the current system and propose strategies for reducing waste and resource depletion.
  • Investigate successful examples of sustainable vegetable marketing systems in other cities and their applicability to Dhaka.
  • Consider the role of technology and innovation in enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the system.

By exploring these challenges and solutions, your MPhil research can contribute significantly to creating a more sustainable vegetable marketing system in Dhaka that is resilient to climate change, population growth, and future challenges.

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