
Syllabus MBA

UMBA 111: Management Concept & Cases
Management is a critical factor achieving success in all enterprises. Students are expected to benefit from the course by way understanding the nature, process principles of management in organizations irrespective of career plan. The course covers functions of management viz, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, motivating and controlling, problems of organizational goal attainment in differing managerial environments. Each managerial principle and function is discussed in detail and case related with management.
Text Book: Management.Robert Kreitner.
Reference: Management. Harold Koontz Heinz Weihhrich.
UMBA 112 : Marketing Concept & Cases.
The course covers Understanding Marketing and the marketing process. Developing Marketing opportunities and strategies, Developing the Marketing mix and cases related with marketing.
Text Book: Principles of Marketing, Philip Kotler &Gary Armstrong.
Reference Book: Fundamental of Marketing,W.J.Stanton,McGraw Hill.
UMBA 113: Financial Accounting
An introduction to the accounting model and financial statements with emphasis on the concepts and terminology needed to understand a corporate report. Topics include accounting processes for service and merchandising enterprises; current assets and liabilities; long-term assets; stockholders’ equity; revenues and expense; methods of depreciation; inventory pricing; and accounting cycle for both service and merchandising companies.
Text Book: Fundamental Accounting Principles. Kermit D.Larson and Barbara Chiapetta.
Reference Book: Financial Accounting. Meigs, Williams, Haka and Beltner.
UMBA 114 : Business Communication
The course provides a through understanding of the communication process and dynamics in business setting and emphasizes written as well as verbal communication. The course is designed to help the students in learning the techniques and acquiring the skills needed to communicate effectively in management. The course deals with Basic English in the practices of communication. Various techniques of effective communication through business letters, reports and other media from an integral part of the course.
Text Book: Business Communication. Tom Means.
Reference Book: Basic Business Communication. Raymond V.Lesiker.
UMBA 115 : Business Math
The course includes elements of algebra, number fields, linear and non-linear inequalities, functions sets analytical geometry, logarithm limit, differential and integral calculus, matrix and linear programming. The purpose of the course is to help the students learn mathematical tools, which are used in management studies.
Text Book: Mathematics with Application in Management and Economics. Bowen L.K.
Reference: Business Mathematics, D.C.Sanchati and V.K.KKapoor.
UMBA 116 : Economics For Management (Micro & Macro Economics)
The purpose of microeconomics is to develop the student’s skill in the systematic analysis of the economic aspects of business decisions and to acquaint them with some relevant analytical methods and concepts. The course covers concepts related to analysis of market as seen by producers and consumers and relate them to production pattern, distribution of income and allocation of resource in the context of a market economy. The course includes concept of national income accounting, investigates economic aggregates and leads to developments of forecast for business condition analysis.
Text Book: ModernEconomic Theory.K.K.Dewett.
Reference: Economics. Samuelson &Nordhaus.
UMBA 117 : Business Law
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of legal and ethical issued of business. The legal environment and business laws in the local context are covered. The course specifically focuses on laws relating to formation of contract, remedies in case of breach of contract and types of contract; employment and labor laws; industrial laws; and laws relating to corporate formation, its governance and corporate finance. Ethnical issues confronting managers in the local and global context will be discussed through case an analysis.
Text Book: Commercial Law.M.Ahmed.
Reference: Commercial Law.Arun Kr.Sen.Jitendra Kr.Sen.
UMBA 211 : Organizational Behavior
The course deals with individual and group behavior models in the context of different organizations and social systems. It deals with the basic concepts of motivation, perception, learning and analysis of human behavior, individual differences and job satisfaction attitude changes, group process, team work, role theory, power and authority along with the analysis of small group behavior, group dynamics, leadership, decision, development of organizations and the influence of groups.

Text Book: Organizational Behavior.Stephen.P.Robbins.
Reference: Organizational Behavior. Fred Luthan
UMBA 212 : Marketing Management
Marketing management course is designed to present an integrated approach to marketing from a managerial point of view. Economic quantitative and behavioral concepts are used in analyzing and developing a framework for decision-making leading to formulation of an organization’s goals and implementation of its marketing program. The course includes identification of market structure, analysis of consumer behavior, factors affecting the efficiency of marketing and the process of planning marketing operations.

Text Book: Marketing Management.Philip Kotler.
Reference Book: Fundamental of Marketing,W.J.Stanton,McGraw Hill.
UMBA 213 : Human Resource Management
The course deals with management of human resources in organization, viz, the basic functions of human resource management, sources of personnel, methods of selection, recruitment, developing and motivating the work force, procedures of primary record-keeping, compensation, salary and wage administration, promotion, training appraisal, health safety, moral discipline, employee benefits etc.
Text Book: Human Resource Management.Stiphen Robbins.
Reference: Human Resource Management.Loyd L Byars &Leslie W. Rue.
UMBA 214 : Quantitative Analysis
The course is designed to equip the students with statistical tools and concept, different mathematical tools and how quantitative techniques work in the business decision processes. Methods of descriptive and inferential statistics are covered that include measures of central tendency and dispertion, introduction to quantitative
analysis,Probabilityconcepts,ProbabilityDistribution,Forecasting,SamplingDistribution,correlation and regression analysis, Test of Hypothesis,Fundamental of Decision Theory, Linear Programming,Network models, Utility and Game Theories and basics of non-parametric statistics.
Text Books: Quantitative Analysis for Management. Barry Render &Ralph M. Stair.
Reference: StatisticalTechniques in Business and Economics. Robert D Mason &  Douglas A.Hind.
UMBA 311 : Operations Management.
This course investigates the quantitative and analytical tolls and techniques used by modern operation managers.Topics include the role of the operations manager. operation strategy, process relatedissues,processchoice,imvest decisions,problem solving analysis in productivity, optimization issues, inventory management,quality management,quality assurance, capacity management and facility layout.
Text Book: Operations Management.Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston.
Reference: Operations Management Strategy and Analysis. Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman.
UMBA 312 : Managerial Accounting
Internal accounting as a tool to generate information for managerial planning and control. Conventional as well as modern techniques are used to develop understanding of interpretation of financial statements, methods of costing and break-even analysis, operating and capital budgets, standard costs, incremental costs, relevant costs, transfer pricing, and profit center reports as a means of analysis and techniques of measurement. Emphasis is given on management reporting and decision-making based on complete information.
Text Book: Managerial Accounting.Rey H. Garrision, Eric W. Noveen.
Reference: Cost Accounting.Horgen, Foster, Dattar.
UMBA 313: Management Information Systems
The course introduces concepts of information system as used in management of organizations. It diagnoses and identifies different hierarchies of management to develop information and control systems. The theories of organization structure and management control are analyzed as well as the methods of database management, computer hardware and peripherals such as communications and networking. Information models of various types from data processing environment to decision support systems to knowledge-based systems are introduced.
  Text Book: Mnagement Information System: Managing Digital Firm.Laudon &Laudon.
Reference: Computers and Information Systems.Sarch E.Hutchinson& Sawyer.
UMBA 314: Entrepreneurship &Small Business.
This course deals with the procedure of establish of new business ventures, and covers topics, such as characteristics of an entrepreneur, pooling of resources, networking, site development, market analysis, staffing, inventory control, human relation and functioning etc.As a part of the course, students will prepare a comprehensive business plan for starting or acquiring such a business; it also studies various aspects of business development, problems of existing small business in Bangladesh. The emphasis of the course is on improving the skills of the innovative individuals who identifies a market opportunity and mobilize factors of production and also is designed to orient the student on the basis of theoretical issues and practical aspects of small business and its development process.
Text Book: New Venture Creation.Jeffry A. Timmons.
Reference: Entrepreneurship &Small Business. DR. A. R Khan.
UMBA 411: Strategic Management.
The course on Strategic Management focuses on managerial issues that affect the organization as a whole—issue that have long term implications and deal with organization-environment relationships. The course gives particular emphasis on the characteristics and determinants of goal formation, industrial analysis, the forms of competitive warfare and various types of generic business and corporate strategies as kinds of problems, which affect the success of an entire organization. The course also introduces the student to the role and tasks of general managers, business strategy formulation in functional areas and integration of policy, strategy and structure for best performance of the organization. The course has a global perspective and uses extensive case analysis to familiarize student with real life organization issues.
Text Book: Strategic Management concept &cases. Thompson Strickland.
Reference: Strategic Mnagement.AlexMiller&Gregory G. Dess.
UMBA 412: Financial Management.
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of modern finance theory. This course covers the nature and scope of financial management and need for management of working as well as fixed capital, tools for quantitative analysis of prior financial position, techniques of forecasting, the need for funds, techniques of capital budgeting and related concepts, financial structure, profit distribution policy, time value of money, valuation, cost of capital, capital structure, financial analysis and planning.
Textbook: Financial Management.JohnVen Horna.
Reference: Financial Management, Robert W.Johnson &Ronald W.Melicher.
UMBA 413: Managerial Economics.
This course builds a foundation in economics for business managers. Starts with the economic principles---theories of demand and supply, develops the application of the economic analysis to the formulation of managerial decision-making process. Specific topics included are: consumer and producer theories; elasticity of demand and supply; demand estimation and forecasting; theory of cost; market structure—perfect competition, monopoly, duopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition; market imperfections; pricing policy, game theory, and risk analysis.
Textbook: Managerial Economics in A Global Economy.Dominik Salvatore.
Reference: Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications and Cases.Edwin Mansfield.
UMBA 414: International Business.
This course aims at providing an understanding of international business from a global/multinational perspective. It focuses on management challenges associated with developing strategies and managing the operations of companies whose business activities spread over more than one nation. The course analyzes the internationalization process in small, medium and large corporations, compares and contracts different internationalization strategies, examines managing political risks and ethical issues in international business, and studies functional management of the transnational corporation,i.e. financial management, marketing management, human Resource Management, accounting and taxation issues.
Textbook: International Business—competing in the Global Market.W.Hill.Charles.
Reference: International Business. John D. Daniels.
UMBA 551: Manpower Planning &Personnel Policy.
This course is designed to equip the students with the techniques of developing personnel policy and implementation. It includes a detailed study of environmental trend analysis, manpower planning models, manpower needs and personal information system to forecast manpower needs and considerations of some indicators of manpower effectiveness. Policy issues considered include work force composition, wage and salary administration in the context of developing countries.
Text book: Personnel Management.Michel.J.Jucius.
Reference: Personnel Human Resource Management:A Digonostic
UMBA 552: Performance Appraisal &Compensation Management.
This course covers understanding the nature of performance appraisal, its objectives, commonly used appraisal method and criteria for assessing performance, biases in performance appraisal, explain how the results of performance appraisal affect Human Resource Management. This course also covers performance measurement methods and integration of performance into compensation system. Effect of laws and regulations on pay, performance measurement evalution. Managerial and executive compensation and practices from comparative perspective.
Textbook: Principles of Personnel Mangement.Edwin B. Flippo.
Reference: Human Resource and Personnel Management.Lioyd L. Byars.Leslie W. Ruds.
UMBA 553: Organizational Conflict& Negotiation Management.
This course covers different aspects & theories of conflict management & the application of those theories &research to business firms. The strategies and methods of managing conflict will be studied against social structures. Management of group and inter group processes will be covered from an organizational context. It will also explores the use of power and politics in the management processes and analyze the decision making process of different organizations. This course also covers negotiation process, objective of negotiation, importance of negotiation process.

Textbook: Managing conflict in Organization.Afzalur Rahman.
Reference: Managing Conflict. Richard E Walton.
UMBA 554: Industrial Relation in Global Economy.
The objective of the course is to develop a critical appreciation of the role of industrial relations in a global economic environment. The topics that will be covered are; scope of adjustments and adaptations in labor management, trade union and politics, evolution of collective bargaining, relevant legislative framework and practice of negotiation. Special emphasis is given on comparative industrial relations across nations and international influence on the pattern of industrial relations in Bangladesh.
Textbook: Industrial Relation.Arun Monappa.
Reference: Personnel Management and Industrial Relations.B.Ghosh.
UMB555: International Management &Global Staffing Policy
The course introduces students to the complexities of culture diversity rapid changes of business environment, complixities of International Human Resource Management and distinguishes International HR practices from the domestic counterparts. Critical relationship between International HRM and Global Strategic Management of the firm will be examined.
Textbook: International Management. Helen Deresky.
UMBA 566: Theories of Organization &Organizational Change.
The course covers advanced level socio scientific studies of organizations, comparative analysis and systematic explanation of differences among organizations and dynamics of interaction between organizations and their environments. The issues related to organization design and development is discussed in detail. The subject also provides of the basics of organizational development, organizational renewal and change, development process, intervention process, OD: the challenges of the future.
Textbook: Organization Development.Wendel L.French &Cecil H.Bell.
UMBA 567: Total Quality Management.
Examines major issues of TQM, principles and theories. Evolution of TQM as a separate body of management theory is addressed. Topics include:Deming”s,Juran”s and Crosby’s TQM principles,ledership information analysis,JIT,strategic quality planning, employee involvement and empowerment, human resources management in TQM, management of process quality, quality and operational results, customer focus and satisfaction, buyer-supplier-customer relationships in TQM, TQM models, quality performance management, study of ISO 9000 series and their applicability in Bangladesh.
Textbook: Total Quality Mamagement.Jone Oakland.
Reference: Managing Quality. David Garmen.
UMBA 568 : Management of Technology.
The course distinguishes between science and technology, for operational and policy implication \s and studies the aspects of choice of technique, technology and technical change. It deals with the problems of technology transfer, the role of transitional companies, monopoly, packaging, and pricing of technology. The problems of absorption and diffusion of technology are also covered with the help of the case studies. The use of appropriate technology and technology for basic needs etc.are also covered.

Textbook: Management of Technology.Tarek Khalil.
UMBA 569: Project Management.
This course deals with project identification, preparation, appraisal, management of implementation and post-project evaluation. Basic techniques like network analysis, organization and control aspects of project implementation in relation to resources, time scale and information processing are emphasized. Case studies of major project (on going as well as completed) are covered.
Textbook: Project Management. Jack R.Meredith &Samuel J.Mantel, Jr.

UMBA 570: Consumer Behavior.
Application of behavioral science theories, concepts, methods, and research findings to the understanding and prediction of consumer behavior to the decision-making process of marketing managers. An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the decision making ability as it applies to the purchase of consumer goods. Examines social and psychological influences on individuals, household and organizational buyer behavior. Investigates behavior models and applies them in the marketing decisions.
Textbook: Consumer Behavior (concept and strategies). Harold W. Berkmen and Christopher.
Reference: Consumer Behavior.MD  Ashraful Alam Chowdhury
UMBA 571: Marketing Research.

The course is designed to train the students in using the tools and techniques for developing an analytical framework of marketing, developing solutions to marketing problems, formulations of marketing strategy, introductions to research techniques in marketing, review of sources of marketing information, collection, tabulation, analysis and interpretation of marketing information. Building upon foundation in statistics, this course develops an understanding of market research methodology as applied to national and international markets. This course is designed to introduce students to the application of survey research. Specifically, the course will focus on the research aspects of market survey including problem identification, data collection, sampling, questionnaire design, data analysis and report writing.
Text book: Marketing Research.Thomas C. Kinnear.
Reference: Marketing Research.Naresh K. Malhotra.
UMBA 572 : Brand Marketing.
A specialized course in product planning which emphasizes creating, building, maintaining and proactively delivering perceived consumer value. Topics include brand development, brand personality, self-concept and preferred brand, brand equity, and the eventual brand strategy. Emphasis is given on the brand’s current market positioning, positioning strategies, portfolio of multiple brands, financial, managerial and operational resources to manage the brand, and managerial expectations of the brand. A critical evaluation of the current leading brands of the country will be covered as case study.
Textbook: Strategic Brand Management. Kevin Lane Keller.
Reference: New Product Management. Mcyle Crewford.
UMBA 573 : Marketing Communication.
Examines marketing promotions from a communications standpoint. Discusses advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and publicity as components of the promotional program of an enterprise including profit and non-profit institutions. Emphasizes planning, design and implementation of advertising campaigns.  
Text book: Advertising Excellence. Bovee,Thill,Dovel.
Reference: Advertising and Promotion. George E. Belch
UMBA 574: Global Marketing.
The course is designed to review the basic concepts and theories of international marketing; familiarize the students with the geopolitical forces that the international marketer must understand and take into consideration while undertaking marketing decisions, discuss various activities necessary for international marketing, elaborate with examples, marketing dimensions such marketing mix including product, pricing, distribution and promotion, discuss techniques of formulating and implementing strategies most relevant to marketing management, give global operations of MNCs, focus on the trend of globalization and its implications for international marketing, discuss the impact of Regional Economic Cooperation on the behavior of international marketer, and ethics and International Marketing. 
Text book: Global Marketing Management.Waren J.Keegan.
Reference: International Marketing. Philip R. Cateora,Richard D.Irwin.
UMBA 575: Corporate Finance.
Examines in details investment and financing, and their interelatedness. The overall goal is to obtain a comprehensive and in-depth perspective of the area of Corporate Finance .Major topics include financial analysis and planning and planning,valuation,capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, working capital management, mergers and acquisition, hybrid financing,bankruptcy,multinational financial management, and risk management. Special emphasis is given on integration of the concept of financial management into a social systems approach to business decision making.
Text book: Corporate Finance. Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe.
Reference:  Financial Management – Theory and Practice. Brigham and Ehrhardt.
UMBA 576: Investment & Portfolio Management.
Examines the investment environment and process also explain the model of efficient portfolio. An investment is the current commitment of money or other resources in the expectation of reaping future benefits. The investment process involves identifying objectives and constraints, formulating and implanting strategies, and monitoring and updating the portfolio as needed. Major topics include investment alternatives, securities markets and trading management of bonds, common stocks and derivatives securities, and investment performance evolution. The course also includes utility theory. Analysis of portfolio risk. evaluation of portfolio performance.
Text book: Investment Analysis &Portfolio Management. Frank K.Really.
Reference: Modern Investment Theory. Robert A.Haugen.
UMBA 577: International Financial Management.
The course deals with the nature of international business, financial environment and their implication for the firm. Deals with the aspects of international corporate finance and invest ment.Topics include foreign exchange with emphasis on exchange rate determination, exchange risk, hedging and interest arbitrage, international money and capital markets, international financing, multinational capital budgeting, cost of capital, and international portfolio management.
Textbook: International Financial Management .Jeff Madura.
Reference: Multinational Financial Management. A. C. Shapiro.
UMBA 578: Financial Derivatives.
This course offers an introduction to derivative markets. Emphasis is placed on organization and role of put and call option markets, futures and forward markets. SWAP markets, and their interrelations. Major topics include arbitrage relatios, valuation, hedging and speculating with derivatives, implementation of derivatives trading strategies, the perspective of corporate securities as derivative, the functions of derivatives in securities markets and recent innovations in derivative markets.
Textbook :Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities. John Hull.
UMBA 579: Advance Cost Accounting.
This course covers cost Accounting records, Reconciliation for cost accounting profit and financial accounting profit, integrated accounting system, cost accounting methods and techniques, Job order &batch costing, process costing ,service costing, Introduction to standard costing system and uniform costing.
Text book: Cost Accounting:Planning &control. Ushry &Hammer.
Reference: Cost Accounting.Pollimeni.Ralph S.,Frank J. Fabozzi.
UMBA580: Financial Analysis &Control.
This course covers framework for financial statement analysis, financial information and capital markets, objective of FA, demand for and supply of financial statement information,regulatory and market forces,costs associated with disclosure;accounting information,financial equilibrium,free cash flow and sustainable growth;introductory techniques:ratio analysis,Duupont analysis,assumptions and properties of financial ratios;cross-aasectional analysis of FSA:criteria used to select peer groups,aggregation options in cross-sectional analysis,industry comparisions of financial ratios;time series analysis of FSA: issues and approaches,earning management and smoothing,statistical tools for time series analysis;analysis of financial statements:a synthesis,adjusted financial ratios;projection of financial requirements,proforma statement,financial planingand toracasting;distress analyses and fincial information:univerate models of distressprediction,MDA Altman’s model, z score analysus ;loan decision/credit analysis and financial information ,qualitative scoring mode,credit rating score.IRA analysis: assessment of business risk ; financial control: corporate governance and financial control; control system for social economic management; financial control of portfolio management decision
Text book  Financial Statement Analysis. George Foster.
Reference: Financial Statement Analysis And Security Valuation. S. H Penman.
UMBA581: Lease Financing and Investment Banking.
This course covers introduction to leasing :types, comparison with ownership; economics of leasing: economic rationale of leasing, evaluating the cost of leasing; accounting aspects of lease financing; tax aspects of leasing: tax regulation, factors indication: a sale comparative analysis, lease with option to purchase, leveraged lease, equipment lease financial: cost, planning lease financing arrangements; sale and lease back inreal estate; investment banking; functions, types, industry structure; primary market making:  corporate finance, underwriting and syndication; secondary market making – dealer-broker activity: trading: speculation and arbitrage ; financial engineering;’ other activities of bank: advisory services and merchant banking, funding and risk management; laws governing investment banking: Securities and exchange  ordinance,
1969, securities and exchange Rules1987, Securities and Exchange Commission Act 1993, merchant bank rules: securitization and factoring: assets, securitization, debt securitization, factoring; and credit rating.
Text book: Lease financing Baker and Hyes, Jhon Wiley and Sons.
Reference: Investment Banking, Marshall and Ellis.
UMBA582: Rural and Micro Finance.
This course covers rural credit market and emergence of micro finance; formal credit market: collateral based production technology, high transaction cost and exclusive of poor house holds; informal credit market: lender dominated, segmented and small markets, high interest rate but low transaction cost; formal cooperative credit market: limited scope and heterogeneity; micro finance and minimization of risk; approaches to micro finance: social  and financial intermediation, women empowerment and wealth distribution; savings mobilizations: voluntary and compulsory; financial development and micro-and-macro impact of  savings mobilization; financing of loan portfolio: savings ,cheap fund and borrowing, uses pattern of micro loan; interest rate: determinations of interest rate, nominal and effective interest rate of traditional rural finance institutions and MFIs; diversification of rural financial markets and choice of the borrowers; indicator of successes of MFIs;micro finance programs of Bangladesh: outreach, savings mobilization, cost of loan production, efficiency and productivity; regulations of MFIs: self- regulation versus formal regulations; sustainability of MFIs,and sound rural credit market development; emerging  issue : micro finance versus macro finance plus ; market structure and competition, linkage between commercial banks and MFIs ,overlapping ,ultra –poor coverage and vertical and horizontal expansion.
UMBA583: Bank Management:
Provides students with tools and techniques to manage bank. Major topics include operations, mechanics, and structure of banks, performance evolution of banks, asset-liability management, management of various kinds of risks, such as, interest rate risk, price risk.liquidty risk etc., fund management, bank regulations and international banking etc.
Text Book: Commercial Bank Management. Rose.
Reference:Money,Banking &Financial Market.Roger LeRoy Miller.
UMBA584:Credit Management in Banks:
This course dealing with the mechanism of proper credit planning in the  overall context of bank management. It also covers the discussion on various tools and techniques of credit appraisal, credit rating. Cross checking of information, selection of borrowers and criteria of credit disbursement, supervision, monitoring and follow-up of credit.
UMBA585: Management of Financial Institution:
This course covers nature of financial institutions and its importance; service industry and financial market; risk of the balance sheet, credit and portfolio risk; loan sales and asset securitization; liquidity and liability and liquidity management; market risk: measurement and management; off balance sheet risk management; management of other risk; bank performance measurement.
Textbook: Fundamentals of Financial Institutions Management, Cornett M. and Saunders, A
Reference: Commercial Bank Management. Rose.
UMBA586: Electronic Banking:
Overview of e-commerce and issue of risk and security; EDI, e-commerce and internet; risk in insecure system; risk management; e-banking and e-payment system: checks, collections, debit and credits, lock box, clearing house; transaction processing, cryptography and authentication; future of e-banking.
Textbook: Electronic Commerce-Security, Risk Management and Control Greenstein and Feinmen
Reference: Designing Systems for Internet-Commerce, Trees and S C Stewart
UMBA 587:Database Management System & System Analysis
This course is designed to equip the  students so that they will be able to translate user’s requirements into a database design, to translate their design into a functional relational database in a variety of different applications, to evaluate and choose appropriate system development methodologies ,and to understand and apply system analysis and design processes. The course covers  Introduction to Database Processing and Database Development, Data Modeling ,Relational Database and Database Application Design ,Database Implementation with the Relational Model, Multi-user Database Processing ,System  Analysis Methods, and System Design Methods.
Text Book: Database Management System.  Gerald V.
Reference: System analysis and Design Method . Whitten Bentley & Dittman. Several Web sites and journals will be recommended
UMBA 588 :E-commerce
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to: Describe how electronic commerce affects the strategic intent and operations function of the firm, explain the differences between different types of e--commerce environments and how they are important in positioning and focusing the efforts of the organization, explain how electronic commerce can be used to create a strategic competitive advantage for an enterprise, and describe the some of the best practices in E-commerce that are currently available to managers. Topics will cover Foundation of Electronic Commerce, Infrastructure for Electronic Commerce, Handling Money on the Net, Security and electronic Commerce, Internet Consumer and Markets Research, Advertisement in Electronic Commerce, Retailing in Electronic Commerce, Business -to- Business Electronic Commerce, Intranet and Extranet, E -commerce Strategy and Implementation, Electronic Customer Support, Public Policy : From Legal Issue to Privacy, The future of Electronic Commerce, Economics, Global, and other Issues in E-commerce,
Text Book: Electronic Commerce a Managerial Perspective . Efraim Turban  ,Jae Lee, David King , H. Michael Chung  
Reference: Understanding Electronic Commerce. David  Kosiur .Several Web sites and journals will be recommended. 
UMBA 589: Data Communications & Networking
By the end of this course, students will be able to: distinguish between conflicting usages of network terminology, understand and explain the underlying network concepts, identify key limitations in networking technology implementations, implement simple network-based applications, evaluate products based on technical and marketing documentation, understand the principles underlying computer communications, use the Internet as a research tool, use value-added networks, access Wide Area Networks and retrieve data from the network, and install and maintain an intranet and groupware servers. Topics will cover Introduction to Data Communication, Network Applications, Architecture, Devices and Circuits, Data Transmission, Network Layer, LAN, High-Speed LAN and Backbone Network, MAN and WAN, Network Design, and Network Management. Network Security
Text Book: Business Data Communication and Networking. Fitzgerald & Dnni
References: Data and Computer communication. William Stallings. Several Web sites and journals will be recommended 
UMBA 590: Web-based Survey Method (Online Survey Method)
Through this course the students will be able to understand how to access books ,journal ,and articles from libraries using on-line resources,  to understand how to access text and visual images from the world wide web , to understand synchronizing the live practice site with students local files and testing students survey online ,to formulate researchable business , and to be acquainted with the  qualitative and quantitative research methods. Topics will be included- introduction, research and sampling design, Formulating questionnaire, methods of administering web-based surveys, creating a survey with HTML, using dream weaver, creating and hosting questionnaire, analyzing data, and using SPSS.
Reference:  Research Methodology C R  Kothari  .Several web sites, Software , and journals will be  recommended .
UMBA 591:IT Strategy & Policy Planning
This course will equip the student to understand how to analyze current I.T. strategy in an organization. They will able to establish an I.T. Strategic Planning and exercise for an organization, and to develop application, data, technology and organization architectures and strategies. The will cover IT. Planning Introduction, Project Planning, Business Analysis, Analyzing Current IT Strategy, Data Architecture Definition, Application Architecture Definition, Technology Architecture Definition, Organization Architecture Definition, Strategy Construction, Risk Analysis, Costs and Benefits, and Implementation
UMBA 592: Decision Support System
The course is design to provide the students with an understanding of management support capabilities of information technologies, and with the development of management support systems. At the end of this course the students will be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the underlying methods and technologies used in various types of management support system; analyze and apply alternate methods for designing, developing and implementing support systems; evaluate the select alternative technologies, used for building support systems: identify and justify opportunities for management support systems development and the specific considerations which apply in their effective management. The course will be included Management; Models, alternatives, information and knowledge; Decision support systems; Data and data management; Modeling and analysis; Artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems; Interfaces, data visualization; DSS development ; Negotiation and group decision support; Executive information systems; Expert systems fundamentals; Knowledge representation; Reasoning; Rule-based systems and intervening; Knowledge-based system development
Textbook: Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems. E. Turban and J. Aronso

Islamic Banking System
Islamic banking concept, basic features and objectives, foundation and development of Islamic banking-perspective of Islamic banking, Evolution of Islamic banking and financial institutions, objectives and operations of conventional banking, funding in Islamic banking, functions of Islamic bank, risk management in Islamic banking, banker-customer’s relationship, shariah council management and law relating to Islamic banking operations, Islamic development banking – an alternative participatory approach for poverty reduction, concept of people’s financing strategy in Islamic banking to create benefit for common people and enhance productivity in the economy, central banking in the Islamic frame work, Islamic insurance (Takaful), special and non-banking institution in line with Islamic banking, an alternative funding for public debt management in the developing countries in line with Islamic banking, Issues and problems of Islamic banking, Welfare services by Islamic bank and contribution in the society, Islamic banking, trade cycles of the economy, role of Islamic banking to meet challenge of ever changing market scenario in the age of globalization.
Text book:
1.       ‘’Islamic banking and finance: current developments in theory and practive” Edited by Dr. Munawar Iqbal
Reference book:
1.       Islamic  Economics – Theory and Practice (a comparative study) by M. A. Mannan
2.       Participation of Bangladesh – World Islamic Economic Forum
3.       Manual of Islamic Banking System
4.       IDB

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