


No one should die of cancer, except prostitution, says Dr Gupta.
(1) The first step is to stop eating sugar, if there is no sugar in the body, cancer cells will die naturally.
(2) Step 2 is to mix a whole lemon with a cup of warm water and drink it about 1-3 months first before food and cancer is gone, research from Maryland Medical College says 1000 times better than chemotherapy.
(3) Step 3, drink 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil in the morning and night, cancer will disappear, you can choose these two treatments after avoiding sugar. Ignorance is not an excuse. I’ve been sharing this for over 5 years. Let everyone around you know. God bless you all.
" វេជ្ជបណ្ឌិត guruprasad reddy b v, bzr state Medical university Moscow, russia 🏖 медици🚦
Encouraged those who receive this bulletin pass it on to the next ten people, surely one life will be saved.. I've done my part, I hope you can help complete it, thank you! ✍
Drinking hot lemonade can prevent cancer. Don't add sugar to it. Hot lemonade is better than cold water.
Both yellow and purple sweet potatoes have excellent anti-cancer properties. ✍
01 ✍ Eating frequently at night can increase the chances of stomach cancer
02. ✍ Don't eat more than 4 eggs a week
03. ✍ Eating chicken can cause stomach cancer
04. ✍ Never eat fruit after a meal. Fruit should be eaten before eating.
05. ✍ Don't drink tea during menstruation.
09 ✍ Eat less bean juice without adding sugar or eggs to the bean juice
07. ✍🏾 you should never eat tomatoes on an empty stomach
08. ✍ Drink a glass of normal water every morning before meals to prevent gallbladder in the urinary sachet
09. ✍🏾 no food 3 hours before bed
10. ✍ Drink less or avoid alcohol without nutrients but can cause diabetes and hypertension
11. ✍🏾Don't eat bread when it's hot out of the oven or the oven.
12. ✍🏾 Never charge your phone or device that’s next to you while you sleep
13. ✍ Drink 10 cups of water a day to prevent bladder cancer
14. ✍🏽 drink more water during the day less at night
15. ✍ Don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, it can cause insomnia and diarrhea.
16. ✍🏾 eat low carbohydrates. It takes 5-7 hours to decompose and feel exhausted.
17. ✍🏾After 5 hours eat a lil
18. ✍ Six types of food that make you happy: banana, orange, black spinach, pumpkin, peach.
19. ✍ Sleeping less than 8 hours a day can weaken our brain function. Half an hour break we can keep the beauty younger.
20. ✍ Ripe tomatoes have better healing properties than raw tomatoes.
Hot lemonade can preserve health and prolong life!
Hot lemonade kills cancer cells ✍🏾
Add hot water to 2-3 lemon slices. Make it a daily drink.
The bitterness in lemon juice is the best ingredient to kill cancer cells. ✍
Ice cold lemonade contains vitamin C, no preservatives on hand. ✍
Hot lemon juice can control muscle growth. ✍
Clinical tests have shown that hot lemonade is effective. ✍
This type of lemon extract therapy will only destroy cells, it does not affect healthy cells. ✍
After... Citric acid & lemon polyphenols in lemon juice can help reduce high blood pressure✍ prevent clots of deep veins, strengthen blood circulation✍ and reduce blood clots. ✍
No matter how busy you are, please take the time to read this article and tell others to spread the love! ✍
♦ After reading, please share with others to spread the love! Take good care of your health! ✍

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