
MBA Brand Marketing


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Answer some questions (Form to fill up):

Assignment 1: Brand book or article

Assignment 2: Brand logo making

Assignment 3: 100 brand logo

Assignment 4: YouTube link 

Assignment 5: brand element 

Course title: Brand Marketing

Assignment: Open a Blog for Brand Marketing

1)      Facebook Page
Page Name: Shoppers Choice

2)      YouTube Page
Page Name: Shoppers Liking Video

3)      Blog
Blog Name: Bondhur Poth


Nation Branding - Bangladesh

Suggestion for midterm examination: 

Part A: 1 × 10 = 10

1. Write short notes on the following: (any ten)

Brand, Decommodification of product, Brand equity,  Brand knowledge, Brand association, Brand Loyalty, Brand community, Joint branding program, Brand element, Jingles,   Brand feeling, Top five global brand, Draw a Brand logo, Manufacturer’s Brand, Private Brand. 

Part B: Answer any Two of the following questions: 10 × 2 = 20
  1. Discuss brand elements with examples.
  2. Draw Keller’s brand equity model & name the six brand building boxes.
  3. Write down co-branding and licensing with advantages and disadvantages.
  4. ‘Brands reduce risk in product decisions’ – what are the risks mentioned here?


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