
MBA Islamic Banking System

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Assignment: ...The contribution of Islamic Banking in term of Employment creation & Economic Development of Bangladesh

Professor Dr. Syed Abdullah Salim
M.A (Econ.) CFC (Canada), FIHM, Irelan
Business Administration and 
Director, Masters Program, University of Development Alternative (UODA) 
The Institute of General Management & Finance, London
Former Guest Faculty,
Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC)
Saver, Dhaka
Award: Nawab Salimullah Academy Award- 2006
In Applied Economics & Banking

Second Teacher
Mahmudul Kabir 
MBA (Marketing)
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Business Administration
University of Development Alternative (UODA)

Course title: Islamic Banking System 
Islamic Banking System
Islamic banking concept, basic features and objectives, foundation and development of Islamic banking-perspective of Islamic banking, Evolution of Islamic banking and financial institutions, objectives and operations of conventional banking, funding in Islamic banking, functions of Islamic bank, risk management in Islamic banking, banker-customer’s relationship, shariah council management and law relating to Islamic banking operations, Islamic development banking – an alternative participatory approach for poverty reduction, concept of people’s financing strategy in Islamic banking to create benefit for common people and enhance productivity in the economy, central banking in the Islamic frame work, Islamic insurance (Takaful), special and non-banking institution in line with Islamic banking, an alternative funding for public debt management in the developing countries in line with Islamic banking, Issues and problems of Islamic banking, Welfare services by Islamic bank and contribution in the society, Islamic banking, trade cycles of the economy, role of Islamic banking to meet challenge of ever changing market scenario in the age of globalization.
Text book:
1.       ‘’Islamic banking and finance: current developments in theory and practive” Edited by Dr. Munawar Iqbal
Reference book:
1.       Islamic  Economics – Theory and Practice (a comparative study) by M. A. Mannan
2.       Participation of Bangladesh – World Islamic Economic Forum
3.       Manual of Islamic Banking System
4.       IDB


Business ethics[edit]

Riba, any excessive addition over and above the principal, such as usury and interest, is prohibited in Islam in all forms. Interest goes against the Islamic pillar of Zakat which allows wealth to flow from the rich to the poor. Riba is prohibited because it keeps wealth in the hands of the wealthy and keeps it away from the poor. It is also believed that riba makes a man selfish and greedy.[31][32]

All business and trade practices that do not result in free and fair exchange of goods and services are considered haram, such as bribery, stealing, and gambling. Therefore, all forms of deceit and dishonesty in business are prohibited in Islam.[31][33]

There are a number of Quranic verses that relate to the prohibition of unethical business practices:

O ye who believe! Devour not usury, doubling and quadrupling (the sum lent). Observe your duty to God, that ye may be successful.

— [Quran 3:130]

God hath blighted usury and made almsgiving fruitful. Allah loveth not the impious and guilty.

— [Quran 2:276]

Many Islamic jurists and religious bodies including Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta[34] of Saudi Arabia have considered MLM trade to be prohibited or haram, the reasons behind which are as follows: In this process, followings are related – exchange without labor and labor without exchange, contract on another contract or condition on another condition, similarity with Riba (interest), similarity with gambling, widespread uncertainty of profits and losses, not everyone benefiting equally, financial fraud and torture, lying and exaggeration, etc.[35][36]


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