
Syllabus BBA


for School of Business StudiesBBA PROGRAM


The University of Development Alternative (UODA) is a private university, approved by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Its temporary campus is in Dhaka Metropolitan Area. Within the five years it will have its own campus, which will be in a naturally scenic solitary place in the outskirts of the metropolitan city and free of air pollution and traffic jam. UODA was born in 2002 with the mission to offer its students high quality education. In recent years private universities emerged as mass institutions in which the individual student often felt lost in crowd and uncared for. Founding of UODA has been a conscious departure from the growing anonymity.

UODA is a university where each student counts, each one is taken seriously; here faculty members know the students by name. The close attention paid to each individual student is indeed a distinctive feature of UODA.

UODA philosophy is based on the conviction that “give and take” between the students and the teachers is the very essence of education; even the best technical equipment can never replace it. It is for the personal relationship that students receive inspiration and gain self-confidence.

The real assets of UODA are dedication of its students and excellence of its instructors. Faculty members are carefully selected on the basis of their academic background and their expertise.

In its undergraduate and graduate programs, UODA prepares students for professional career and higher study. The mission of UODA is to prepare students, personally and professionally, for future leadership roles. The educational process puts particular emphasis on developing international and cross-cultural competencies through English language.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), needs a broad theoretical and practical education that prepares them for continuous learning and effective organized leadership. Business Administration curriculum combines a broad general education and a strong business foundation with a concentration in a specific business discipline. In the first two years of four years program, courses in English, Language, Social and Natural Sciences, Humanity, Cross-Cultural and Computer Science etc; core courses are emphasized. The students shall have to complete core courses and General Education Courses (GED) of 111 credits hours and then they have to select any one area of concentration: Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Management Information Management and Marketing of 18 credits and they have to select 2 minor courses of 6 credits. Then they have to work on a project on a practical problem in the field of the area of concentration and submit a dissertation of 5 credits.

That is the Bachelor degree program requires 136 credits and is extended over a period of 4 years. This program is to be completed in 12 semesters in 4 years, each year having three semesters namely:

                        Spring      :       January to April
                        Summer  :       May to August
                        Fall         :       September to December

Each semester will be of 13 weeks duration.

Grading System:
Students will be informed early of the basis, on which final marks for each course will be determined. The grading system will be as follows:
Grading System (Modified):

Letter Grade
Grade point


Very good
Below 50

Student’s performance will be evaluated on the basic of Grade Point Average (GPA) in each Semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) that is the Average Grade Points of all Semesters.

The CGPA is computed in the following manner:
CGPA=    ∑ (Grade Points ´ Credits)
Performance Evaluation:
The performance of a student in a course is evaluated on the basis of course work, lab work, and class attendance and class behavior. Each course will be marked out of 100 and letter grades and corresponding numerical grade point will be as follow:
a)      Class Test
b)      Attendance
c)      Class behavior and performance
d)     Case study
e)      Term Paper
f)       Mid Term Examination
g)      Final Semester Examination

N.B. These could vary from the course to course. Actually, the performance evaluation system will be spelled out by the Course Instructor according to the course outline in the beginning of the semester.

Examination Re-take:
A student may have a retake examination by the original examiner and another examiner appointed by the Head. This can be done by applying to the Office of the Head within two weeks of the release of the examination results. The application is to be accompanied by the appropriate fee. The grade resulting from the re-take becomes the recorded grade by which the academic standing of the student is determined. However, if the re-take grades are lower than the previous grades the later would be recorded.
HSC/12th Standard/10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized Board from any Background.

Foreign & NRB (Non-Residence Bangladeshi) candidates:
For admission to the BBA program, foreign NRB students passed in 10+2 or equivalent examination can also apply. Admission of Foreign/NRB student and their fee structure depends on approval of the competent authorities.

N.B. : This syllabus is subject to change, modification and adoption of new materials whenever it is necessary and demanded.

Core Courses:       90 Credits

            ITB- 101:        Introduction to Business
            ACC-105:       Accounting Concepts & Practices
            CIS- 103:        Introduction to Computer
            MGT-107:       Principles of Management
            MATH-111:    Business Mathematics-1
            ECO-106:        Micro Economics
            CIS-112:         Computer Information System
            MATH-209:    Business Mathematics-2
            MKT-110:       Principles of Marketing
            ACC-207:       Managerial Accounting
            STAT-203:     Business Statistics
            COM-108:       Business Communication
            ECO-201:       Macro Economics
            HRM-206:       Human Resource Management
            BUS-210:        International Business
            LAW-204:       Business Law
            FIN-202:         Financial Management
            ECO-211:        Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh
            MGT-212:       Organizational Behavior
            MGT-302:       Operations Management
            STM-309:        Strategic Management
            END-208:       Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
            STAT-301:      Applied Statistics
            ACC-303:       Auditing & Taxation
            FIN-305:         Banking Theory and Practice
            MKT-311:       Marketing Management
            ACC-312:        Cost Accounting
            FIN-307:         Insurance and Risk Management
            FIN-310          Business Finance
            RES-308         Research Methodology 

General Education Courses (GED): 18 Credits
            ENG-104:        Introduction to Composition
            ENG-109:       Intermediate Composition
            ENG-113:       Advanced Composition
            CUL-102:        World History, Culture & Heritage
            ENV-304:       Environmental Science
            ISS - 205:        Industrial Social Science


Concentration Courses:         24 Credits (Major 18 & Minor 6 Credits)
Students have to take 6 courses as concentration and 2 courses from other discipline as minor.

            ACC-401:        Advanced Cost Accounting
            ACC-402:       Advanced Accounting
            ACC-403:       Accounting and Information System
            ACC-404:       Strategic Management Accounting
            ACC-405:       Advanced Auditing
            ACC-406:       Advanced Financial Accounting
             FIN-401:        Corporate Finance
             FIN-402:        Working Capital Management
             FIN-403:        Financial Institutions and Capital Markets
              FIN-404:       Investment Theory
             FIN-405:        International Financial Institutions
             FIN-406:        Real Estate Finance
 Human Resource Management (HRM):
            HRM-401:       Labor Economics
            HRM-402:       Compensation Management
            HRM-403:       Industrial Relations
        HRM-404:    Manpower Planning and Forecasting
            HRM-405:       Training and Development
            HRM-406:       Career Planning and Development
 Management Information System (MIS):
            MIS-401:         Management and Control of Information System
            MIS-402:         Computer Programming
            MIS-403:         System Analysis and Design
            MIS-404:         Data Communication and Networking for Business
            MIS-405:         Electronic Commerce (E-commerce)
            MIS-406:         Database Management System
            MKT-401:       Consumer Behavior
            MKT-402:       International Marketing         
            MKT-403:       Marketing Research
            MKT-404:       Advertising & Promotion Management
            MKT-405:       Services Marketing
            MKT-406:       Brand Management
            MGT - 401:     Project Management
            MGT - 402:     Organizational Structure and Design
            MGT -403:      Power, Leadership and Negotiations in Organization
            MGT -404:      Management and Control of Information System
            MGT-405:       Total Quality Management
            MGT-406:       Management of Service Organizations

   Internship:              5 Credits

Text Box: First Year

Semester: 1

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
ITB –101
Introduction to Business

World History, Culture & Heritage

CIS –103
Introduction to Computer

Introduction to Composition

Principles of Accounting

Semester: 2

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Micro Economics

Principles of Management

Business Communication

Intermediate Composition

Semester: 3
Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Principles of Marketing

Business Mathematics-1

Computer Information System

Advanced Composition

Text Box: Second Year

Semester: 4

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Macro Economics

Financial Management

Business Statistics

Business Law

Semester: 5

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Industrial Social Science

Human Resources Management

Managerial Accounting

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management



Semester: 6

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Business Mathematics-2

International Business

Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh

Organizational Behavior

Text Box: Third Year

Semester: 7

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Applied Statistics

Operations Management

Auditing & Taxation

Environmental Science

Semester: 8

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Banking Theory and Practice

Industrial Psychology

Insurance and Risk Management

Research Methodology

Semester: 9

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Strategic Management

Business Finance

Marketing Management

Cost Accounting

Text Box: Fourth Year



Semester: 10

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Major – 401

Major – 402


Major – 403


Minor- 401





Semester: 11

Course Code
Course Title
Credit Hours
Major – 404


Major – 405


Major – 406


Minor – 402


Semester: 12               Internship Program:  5 Credits

Description of Courses

Core Courses:  92 Credits

Business Mathematics-1 (MATH-111):
Number System; Mathematical Indication; Indices and Logarithms; Theory of Sets; Linear Equations and Inequalities; Quadratic Equation; Binomial Theorem; Permutations and Combinations; Progression; Mathematics of finance.

Business Mathematics –2 (MATH-209):    
Geometry of two Dimension; The Straight lines; Determinants   and Vectors; Matrices; Function; Limit and Continuity of a Function; Differentiation and Use in Business problem; Maxima and Minima; Partial Differentiation; Integration and Use in Business Problems; Differential Equations.                          

Applied Statistics  (STAT-301):
Probability and its application, Emphasizes estimation   and hypothesis testing for the linear statistical model. Topic includes contingency table, goodness of fit, single and multiple regression, correlation, Bayesian decision theory, time series analysis, and index number.

Business Communication (COM-108):
Meaning, importance, uses and factors affecting communication; Cultural orientation in communication; Types of communication; Purpose, content and structure of written communication; Major media of written communication; Oral communication; Major media of oral communication; Non-verbal communication; Internal communication; Effective meeting; Information age and the use of computers in business communication; Audio-visual aids in communication; Office memos; Business reports; Common business abbreviations and acronyms; Art of addressing meeting and conferences; Receiving, Dispatching, Filling Industrial and Business documents and office papers.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (END – 208):
Concept and meaning of Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship as a factor of Economic Development; Theories of Entrepreneurship; Characteristics of Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Motivation; Environment for Entrepreneurship development; History of Entrepreneurship Development – Japan, USA, UK, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; Sources and Procedures of Government and Private Assistance for Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh; Governmental regulations concerning Entrepreneurship Development; Problems of Entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.

Human Recourse Management (HRM – 206):
Importance of Human Resource Management; Environment of Human Resource Management; Human Resource Planning and Forecasting; Recruitment and Selection; Job design and Analysis; Performance Appraisal; Discipline, Dismissals and Termination; Training and Development; Motivation and Job Satisfaction; Forms of employee participation; labor Relations; Work Environment.

International Business (BUS – 210):
International business and its environment; International monetary exchange; National boundaries, nationalism, the multinational firm; The international environment; Financial and trade oriented institution; International liquidity; Balance of payments; Financial instruments; Economic integration, alliances and co-operation; Inflation and devaluation; Global business strategy.

Introduction to Business (ITB – 101):
Business and its history; Forms of Business Organizations and ownership; Introduction to functional and support areas of business – marketing, production, finance, human resource, accounting; Issues in environment, government, society, ethics, and globalization.

Introduction to Computer (103): 
Introduction to computer fundamentals: hardware, software and application, operating system fundamentals and DOS commands, text processing (MS Word), spreadsheet (MS Excel, Lotus 123), data communication fundamentals, database system basics (dBase IV, MS Access). High level programming language –an introduction to C. Fundamentals of C language: input output, data types, variables and constant, declaration, assignment, arithmetic and logical expression, flow of control- conditions, options and looping, functions.

Principles of Accounting (ACC – 105):
Meaning, Concepts and different principles of Accounting, Need, Environment, Accounting for business transactions, Double entry system, Accounting cycle, Accounting equations, Preparation of financial statements, Different methods and preparation of Bank Reconciliation; Rectification of Errors; Accounting for Receivables and Temporary Investments; Acquisition and disposition of Plant Assets and Intangible Assets; Current Liabilities and Contingencies;

Financial Management (FIM – 202):
The function of financial manager; The goal of the financial management, Value maximization as a goal; The Agency problem – Financial decisions – Functions of the financial officer; Financial environment; The time value of money; Risk and return; Valuation concepts and models; Short term financing; Intermediate – term financing; Cost of capital; Capital budgeting.

Macro Economics (ECO – 201):
This course introduces to the principles of macroeconomic analysis; its analytical methods with current institutional and empirical issues. Topics include national income accounting; Issues relating to unemployment, inflation; Determination of output, price level, money and banking. It also gives an introductory account of the monetary and fiscal policies; Budget and trade deficits and exchange rates.     

Managerial Accounting (ACC – 207):
Internal Accounting as a tool to generate Information for Managerial Planning and Control; Conventional as well as modern techniques are used to develop understanding of Operating and Capital Budgets, Standard Costs, Incremental Cost, Relevant Costs, Transfer Pricing, and Profit Center Reports as a means of analysis and techniques of Measurement; Emphasis is given on Management Reporting and Decision-Making based on Complete Information.

Micro Economics (ECO – 106):
Introduction to Micro Economics, The basics of Supply and Demand; Utility Approach to consumer behavior; Theory of Production and Cost; Profit maximization and competitiveness; Market structure and determination of equilibrium price and output levels; Theory of Distribution; Factors of Production and factor pricing.

Business Statistics (STAT – 203) :
Introduction to Statistics; Collection of Business Data; Processing of Business Data; Presentation of statistical Data; Measures of Central Tendency; Measures of Dispersion; Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis; Correlation; Regression, Interpolation and Extrapolation; Probability; Sampling and Socio-Economic Surveys.

Business Law (LAW – 204) :
Examines the nature, formation and application of legal principles in business; The roles of law in the society; The legal environment in which the business operates, particularly government taxation; The regulation of commerce, competition, and labor-management relations; The concept of property: its creation, transfer and importance to our business society. Employment of labor (standing order) Act, 1965. Payment of wages Act 1936. Factories Act 1965, Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, Industrial Relations Ordinance 1969. Company Act 1994, Company Law & order.

Marketing Management (MKT – 311) :
Basic theoretical and practical understanding of marketing systems, segmentations, consumer behavior, marketing communication, advertising and promotion, services marketing, relationship marketing, product planning, pricing, distribution, marketing research, marketing planning and control, and marketing strategy.

Organizational Behavior (MGT – 212) :
Nature of Organizational behavior; Individual behavior – Personality, Learning and perceptions; Values and attitude; Organizational Stress – frustration anxiety and conflict; Motivation; Group behavior – basic concepts, roles, norms and status; Group dynamics; Communication; Power, politics and influence; Leadership; the organizational Culture; Change and resistance to change; Group problem solving and decision making; Manager as a diagnostician; Cultural variables affecting organizations working and managing inter firm and intra firm relations; Morale; Counseling; Organization as a coalition.

Principles of Management (MGT – 107) :
Meaning and Significance of management; Management in business enterprise and non-business entities; Planning; Organizing; Directing and Leading; Motivating; Controlling; Communicating; Co-ordination; Tools of developing managerial skills; Performance evaluation; Managers and changing environment; Management of public sector enterprises; Managing multi-national companies; Join Ventures; Managing work related stress; Managing changes.

Principles of Marketing (MKT – 110) :
Introduction to marketing; the marketing philosophy; The marketing concept; Marketing environment; Elements of marketing mix; Market segmentation and positioning; Product decisions; New product development; Pricing decisions; Product promotion; Channel decisions; Physical distribution decisions; Consumer buying behavior; Marketing ethics; International marketing.

Operations Management (MGT – 302) :
The role of operations manager, operations strategy, process related issues, overview structures, process choice, product and service investment decision, analysis and solution of problems in productivity, inventory, scheduling and quality, capacity management and facility layout, the operations task and operations planning and control, materials management, the study and control of work, quality management.

Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh (ECO –211):
Characteristics of under developed economy, Obstacles to economic growth (political, international, financial), Vicious circle; Economic Growth-meaning and measures of economic growth- several models of economic growth; Economic history of Bangladesh during Mughols, British and Pakistan, Present structure of Bangladesh’s economy; Agriculture’s role in economic development and related issues- Evaluation of industrial sector of Bangladesh; Role of industry in economic development, Evaluation of industrial sector of Bangladesh; Human Resource Development-Population growth and its impact on economic growth-present human situation in Bangladesh.

Strategic Management (STM – 309):
A Mandate for Strategic Management; The External Environment; Identifying opportunities and threats; Assessing the Internal Environment; Determining Strengths and Weaknesses; Strategic Management at the Business level; Managing for Competitive Advantage; Strategic Management at the Functional level; Managing for Customer Value; Strategic Management at the International level; Managing for Global Success; Translating Strategy into Action; Strategy Implementation: The role of Organizational Structure; Implementing Strategy: Ensuring Strategic Control; Leadership, Culture and Control; Analyzing Strategic situations and cases.

Banking Theory and Practice (FIN- 305):
Theory of money; evolution of banking institutions; central banking; commercial banks; foreign exchange; specialist financial institutions.

Insurance and Risk Management (FIN-307):
Introduction to insurance; life insurance; marine insurance; fire insurance; miscellaneous insurance; risk management; insurance business in Bangladesh.

Cost Accounting (ACC - 312):
Objectives of Cost Accounting, Cost Objective, Cost Concepts, Cost Classification, Material Costing, Store Keeping and control, Valuation of material issues, Labor control and Remuneration method, Labor cost accounting, Chargeable expenses, Treatment of Overhead expenditure, Preparation of Cost Sheet/Statement of cost of Production.

Auditing & Taxation (ACC-303):
Theory and practice of the examination of financial statements for the purpose of establishing and expressing an opinion as to their acceptance and reliability. Topics include duties and responsibilities of auditors; methods of conducting various kinds of audits; audit working papers, the preparation of the audit report and special problems in the audit of different kinds of enterprises. 
Definition, purpose, types, canons of taxation, role of tax in economic development, tax system in Bangladesh; public finance; income tax, assessment of individual, appeal and revision; value added tax (VAT).

Research Methodology (RES-308):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Introduction to research methodology in social science; science and knowledge, methods in science, scientific methods; Hypothesis – meaning, types, formulation, and uses in research; Logical reasoning – deduction and induction, observation, participation and experiment; Analogy and inference; Explanation and causation; Concepts constructs, variables and paradigms; Measurement and scaling techniques; Test of reliability and validity; Generalization of hypothesis and its extension to theoretical framework; Research in business; Steps followed in conducting a research -  problem definition, hypothesis formulation, research design, data collection, data summarization and analysis, presentation and report writing, use of research findings.

Business Finance (FIN -310):

Financial planning and control: purpose of financial planning and control; Pro forma balance sheet model of financial planning; financial control; operating and financial breakeven analysis, operating and financial leverage; Management of cash and marketable securities; receivable management; inventory management; Short term financing – sources of short term financing, short term bank loans, accounts payable; Long term financing – common stocks, preferred stocks, bonds and leasing. 

General Education Courses:  18 Credits

Introduction to Composition (ENG-104):
Development of integrated language skills with special focus on the mechanics of the writing process; introduction to academic lectures, analytic reading, note-taking practice and study strategies; continued study of grammar, with emphasis on complex structures.

Intermediate Composition (ENG-109):
Continued work on analytic reading and on fluency and control of the writing process; development of expressive, persuasive and referential writing with emphasis on planning, organization, cohesion and coherence.

 Advanced Composition (ENG-113):
Continued work on analytic reading and on fluency and control of the writing process; emphasis on sentence structure, organization, paragraphing, coherence and cohesion; development of expressive, persuasive and referential writing with emphasis on planning, organization, cohesion and coherence; participating in small group discussions and seminars; employing appropriate mechanics of formal speech; further practice in research techniques, project work.

World History, Culture &Heritage (CUL- 102):
Brief history of Asia, Europe, and Africa &America from 18th century; Brief history of India subcontinent & Bangladesh from 10th century: focus only on the aspects of cultural, social, economic and political development.
Introduction to development economics; changes in poverty and human development, regional variation and social differentiation, nutrition, health, education, population, environment, politics and institutions. Discipline, approach, politics, state, nation, ethnic group, race, tribe organs and forms of government, severity nationalism and sub national groups, transnational organization, supra nationalism and international institutions, geopolitics, significance of the geo-political location of Bangladesh, population poverty, economic growth, sustainable development, rural environment policy, constraints to development, development programs in Bangladesh.
Legal rights and duties; enforcement and extinction of legal rights, relation between rights and liberty, relation between rights and duties, kinds of legal rights and civil rights, basic features of the legal system of Bangladesh, characteristics of the constitution of Bangladesh, fundamental rights and civil liberties, judicial system of Bangladesh and independence of judiciary, civil courts: powers, functions and jurisdiction, criminal courts: powers, functions and jurisdiction, special courts and tribunals, civil justice process and the rights involved, criminal  law,  criminal justice process and the process of the people, general aspects of police power,  review  of  the  exercise  of police power.

Industrial Social Science (ISS-205):
Meaning, Nature, Importance, Tasks, scopes, Industrial Society & Industrial Sociology, Industry  & Society, The Social structure of Industry, Industrialism, The worker & the Industry, Commitment of labor to Industry, Work, Social beliefs, values & attitudes; The social structure of industry-theories of organization, classical, bureaucratic, contingency- Roles in industry: executive role, staff role, and worker role.

Environmental Science (ENV-304):
Man and environment, Major components of the environment, Brief, history of earth, bio-geo-chemical cycles. Ecological concepts and ecosystems flow of the matter and energy through an ecosystem, biodiversity, Lithosphere: agriculture and environment, urbanization, solid and hazardous waste management. Atmosphere, chemistry of air, urban air pollution, acid rain, global warming, and ozone layer depletion.

Concentration Courses: 18 credits


Consumer Behavior (MKT-401):
Marketing concept and consumer behavior; Utility and need satisfaction; Communication with consumer; Consumer adoption and diffusion process; Repurchase, purchase and post purchase behavior; Product involvement and type of purchase decision; Understanding consumer, demographic, social and psychographics factors influences of external factors; Model of homan behavior; Classification of situation influencing consumer behavior; Consumer decision process; Consumer movement and consumerism; institutional buying behavior; consumer and price; Consumer and institutional  decision; Household, Sales  person and advertising.

International Marketing (MKT-402):
International economics and trade; Theories of international trade; Barter trade and country trade; International marketing environment; Modes of international trade; Entry strategy; Formulation of international marketing strategy; International marketing research; International marketing strategy; product promotion, price, logistic and distribution; Organization structure and control; trends and perspective.

Marketing Research (MKT-403):
Definition, Scope research; Why research; Need for information; Types of research; type and source of information; Research methods; Methods of collecting data measurement and scale; designing instrument for collection of information, field operation data summarization, analysis (unvariate and bivariate) and interpretation of findings, presentation (oral and written) of findings and use of    research findings.
Advertising &Promotion Management (MKT-404):
Analysis of principal means of promotion. Preparation of an advertising campaign and appropriate determination of advertising strategies.  An overview of promotion management providing a framework for integrating the promotion functions in the areas of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity, copywriting.

Service Marketing (MKT-405):
Explores the marketing of services in consumer, business, not –for- profit and global setting. Management of the marketing effort for service businesses (hotel, restaurant, banks, legal firms, medical offices etc.)   Using case analysis, exercise and projects, which deal with crucial aspects of service design and marketing delivery. Investigate the nature of services and the theories, concepts, tactics and strategies for solving marketing problems, improving service quality and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Strategic Marketing (MKT-406):
Discuss marketing strategies in a competitive environment. Topics include analyzing markets, market segmentation, analyzing competition, market targeting and positioning strategies, market strategies for selected situation, planning for new products, product portfolio strategy, designing effective marketing organization marketing strategy implementation and control.


Project Management (MGT - 401):
Meaning and types of project – Characteristics and usefulness of industrial and other development projects – Project development cycle; Market appraisal:- Information required for market and demand analysis – Sources of  information – Market survey – Demand forecasting; Technical appraisal:- Production technology – Product mix – Machinery and equipment – Structures and Civil works – Project charts and layouts – Work Schedules; Financial Appraisal:- Cost and benefits of projects – Social cost benefit analysis – Means of financing – Profitability analysis; Project Management in Bangladesh:- Project processing procedures related to industrial projects in the public sector – Organizations involved with the project processing in the public sector – Monitoring and evaluation system. 

The strategy concept, concept of five Ps, strategy analysis, forecasting and strategy formation, & SWOT framework, strategy and organizational planning, the structuring of organization, study on different organizations, long range formal planning and elements of long-term range planning. 

Organizational Structure and Design (MGT-402):
Various techniques and theories of organizational structure and design. Topics include classical, neo-classical, contemporary and emerging design approaches; functional, divisional, geographical, hybrid, and matrix structures; hourglass, cluster, and network structure; problems and perspectives in designing organizations and developing organizational structures.

Power, Leadership and Negotiations in Organization (MGT -403):
Analysis of individual behavior and influence in organization. Examines power structure and leadership theories applicable in modern business organizations, role of power and leadership in decision process.

Management and Control of Information System (MGT-404):
Discussing of the uses of an economics perspective to issues in the management and control of information systems.  Topics include cost/ performance trends in information technology, software development cost estimation, and systems project management, pricing computer service, and the strategic use of information technology.

Total Quality Management (MGT-405):
Examines major issues of TQM, principles and theories and addresses evaluation of TQM as the latest approach of management through model building and analysis.  Topics include: Deming, Juran, and Crosby’sTQM principles, leadership information and analysis, JIT, Strategies Quality Planning, employee involvement and empowerment, HRM in TQM, management of process quality, Quality and operational results, customer focus and satisfaction, Buyer-supplier-customer relationships in TQM, TQM models, and techniques etc.

Management of Service Organization (MGT-406):
Examines the development of service packages, yield management, scheduling, queuing, management of professional services such as health care, tax consulting services, travels and tourism, banking and transport organization, particularly in South Asian region. 


Advanced Cost accounting (ACC-401):
Cost Accounting Records; Reconciliation for cost Accounting profit with financial accounting profit; Integral accounting system; Cost Accounting methods and techniques, Job order and Batch Costing; Process Costing; Se4rvice Costing (Operational costing); Introduction to Standard Costing System; Uniform Costing.

Advanced Accounting (ACC-402):
Meaning, Concepts and different principles of Accounting, Need, Environment, Accounting for business transactions, Double entry system, Accounting cycle, Accounting equations, Preparation of financial statements, Different methods and preparation of Bank Reconciliation; Rectification of Errors; Accounting for Receivables and Temporary Investments; Acquisition and disposition of Plant Assets and Intangible Assets; Current Liabilities and Contingencies;

Accounting and Information System (ACC-403):
Exchange rate determination, responses to the fluctuations in exchange rates, managing foreign exchange exposure, hedging in money market, futures and forward market, multinational capital budgeting decisions, funds management (capital raising and investment decision) through international financial markets, recent trends in portfolio investments world- wide.

Strategic Management Accounting (ACC-404):
Internal Accounting as a tool to generate Information for Managerial Planning and Control; Conventional as well as modern techniques are used to develop understanding of Operating and Capital Budgets, Standard Costs, Incremental Cost, Relevant Costs, Transfer Pricing, and Profit Center Reports as a means of analysis and techniques of Measurement; Emphasis is given on Management Reporting and Decision-Making based on Complete Information.

Advanced Auditing (ACC-405):
Issues in tax structure; Principles of taxation; Economic effects of Taxation on individuals and on Business; Direct vs. Indirect Taxes; Shifting and Incidence of Taxation; Taxes on Income: personal and corporate; Taxes on wealth; taxes on Consumption; Tax administration in Bangladesh.
Advanced Financial Accounting (ACC-406):
Valuation of assets and liabilities; income measurement; inventory accounting; valuation of long-term liabilities; revenue and expense recognition; regulations and conventions relating to corporate accounting and reporting practices ; partnership accounting; corporate accounting; accounting for nonprofit organizations; fund flow analysis; liquidity and maturity of assets and liabilities.


Corporate Finance (FIN-401):
The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment; Investment banking and the capital acquisition process; Optimal capital structure under corporate and personal taxation; The determination of capital structure choice; price performance of common stock- new issues; positive information from equity issue announcement; Determinants of corporate borrowings; The capital structure puzzle; Under pricing of new issues; Evaluation and the rule of present worth; Equity ownership and the two faces of debt; Liquidity and Cost of capital  implications for Corporate management; Optimal capital structure; Distribution of income of Corporate among dividends, retained earnings and taxes; Dividend policy, growth and valuation of shares; Dividend policy under asymmetric  information.

Working Capital Management (FIN-402):
Focus on the management of current assets and current liabilities. Topics include management of cash, accounts receivable, inventories, and fund management; management of account payable, and other current liabilities.

Financial Institutions and Capital Markets (FIN-403):
Provides on overview of financial institutions in U.S. and in Bangladesh. Examines securities, pricing and market structure for both equity and debt markets. Covers derivatives markets and instruments, and the uses made of derivatives by contemporary financial engineers. Explores financial institutions as suppliers of funds to the money and capital markets. Comparative financial policies of institutions are considered in the context of their market environment.

Investment Theory (FIN-404):
Analysis of the aggregate market, industry, and the individual firm; Valuation methods with a concentration on application to common stocks, bonds and preferred stocks

International Financial Institutions (FIN-405):
Study of the impact and role of international financial institutions, such as, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Finance Corporation (IFC) etc. in the global operation of finance and capital markets.                                

Real Estate Finance (FIN-406):
Focuses on theory and practice in real estate, with social, legal and economic implications. Topics include issues and problems in the administration of real estate mortgages; sources and uses of mortgage funds, including land acquisition and construction, permanent and secondary financing; costs of funds, mortgage yields and accompanying risk. An overview of lease financing.  

Human Resource Management (HRM)

Labor Economics (HRM-401):
Demand for labor, Quasi-fixed labor costs; Supply of labor; Labor unions and collective bargaining; Household production models; Investment in human capital; Education and training; Earnings differentials; Compensation differentials; Discrimination; Compensation structure; Unemployment and inflation and labor market issues in Bangladesh. 

Compensation Management (HRM-402)
Process of developing a pay level and pay structure; designing an effective pay systems, types of pay systems, administering a pay systems, issues in administering a pay systems, development of costs benefits, types of major benefits, benefits administration, benefits objectives and evaluation; controlling benefit costs.

Industrial Relations (HRM-403):
Introduction to Industrial Relations; changing socio-economic environment; Development of trade unionism; structure and activities of trade unions; Environment of bargaining; bargaining power, bargaining structure and bargaining issues; public sector differences; Contract administration; Grievance procedures; Industrial relations in Non- union organization and non- formal sector; Industrial relations and employee productivity, employee relations programs.

Manpower planning and Forecasting (HRM-404):
Importance of manpower planning; Issues in Human Resource Planning; Planning model; Determination of future human resource requirements, Determining future resource availability; Assessing gaps and objectives; Action planning to match the gaps; Human resource information system.

Training and Development (HRM-405)

Training and development function; Strategy and training; Organizations of the training department; Training needs assessment; Learning and behavior; Designing of training programs; Training techniques; Technical training; Training and career development; Development career structure; Identifying organizational needs; Institutionalizing the career development system; Evaluating the system

Career Planning and Development (HRM-406):
The career development perspective – concept of career, significance, common myths about career, origin of career concepts, career concepts and personality, formulation of career strategy; the individual and the life cycle: individual development, stages and tasks of the career cycle, the stage and tasks of the family, constructive coping, characteristics of successful people; Career dynamics: entry to the organizational career, seven secrets for success, socialization and learning to work, mutual acceptance, development of career anchors, security, autonomy and creativity as career anchors, career anchors in perspective, mid- career matching, boundary crossing; Managing human resource planning and career stages, job/ role planning integrated approach, managing career.

Management Information System (MIS)

Management and Control of Information System (MIS - 401):
Discusses the use of an economics perspective to issues arising in the management and control of information systems. Topics include cost/performance trends in information technology, software development cost estimation, and systems project management, pricing computer services, and the strategic use of information technology.

Computer Programming (MIS - 402):
Introduction to Structured programming concepts and development process; Problem analysis, development of algorithm, flow charts and program development; Understanding programming languages and choosing a programming language to learn and write a program; Use of EDF and computer programming in the selected language(s) for problem analysis and decision making.

System Analysis and Design (MIS - 403):
Examines techniques required to conduct information systems analysis. Topics include concepts, phases, activities, and roles of SDLC, system feasibility study, cost benefit analysis of information systems, proposal evaluation; techniques for analyzing and documenting existing and proposed systems, structured analysis, data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, decision tables, state-transition diagrams, ER diagrams, and object-oriented techniques, selection of hardware and software; implementation and post implementation evaluation of systems.

Data Communication and Networking for Business (MIS – 404):
Investigates key concepts and theories of networking and data; Server topology; TCP/IP; Intranets communication; Concepts and approaches to networks; Network layers; PC networks for business, Data transmission; Variety of security issues such as SSL, SET, LAN technology; Server management and security; Business communication and application on Intranets and other networks.   

Electronic Commerce (MIS - 405):
 An overview of e-commerce; The root of e-commerce; Internet infrastructure; The ISP business: Internet service provider; Electronic commerce: service and products; Internet payment mechanism; Financial service and electronic commerce; Electronic commerce marketing; Business – to business electronic commerce and virtual organization; critical success factors for electronic commerce; Applicability of electronic commerce in the business sector in Bangladesh.               

Database Management System (MIS - 406):
This is a core course of database management system. Different database theories and management applications are included in the topics. Emphasis is given on theories of relational and semantic models of database. The course highlights different database models, database connectivity, and database concepts including database administrations, data storage and organizing database files on different database environments.

The End

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