
Operations Management Suggestions


Facebook group of OM class Mid term Examination, Winter semester 2021

Course title: Operations Management

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                       Total Marks: 30

Part A:                                                                                                                                  1 × 10 = 10

1.    Write any Ten short notes on the following:

(a)  Operations management,

(b)  Production management,

(c)  Product design,

(d)  Productivity,

(e)  Plant layout,

(f)   Factory location,

(g)  Linear programming,

(h)  Simulation analysis,

(i)    PERT

(j)    CPM

(k)  Quality Control

(l)    Technology and the manager

(m) Production planning

(n)  the need for layout decision

(o)  Show illustration, operation as a system

(p)  Globalization of Operations

(q)  Integration of Operations with Other Functions

(r)   Customer Directed Operations

(s)  strategic issues of layout decision


Part B:           Answer any two of the following questions:                                    5 × 2 = 10

2.    Describe analytical tool of production management.

3.    Discuss the new operations themes of operations management.

4.      scientific management principles

5.      productivity measurement



Part C:                       Answer any one of the following questions:                        10 × 1 = 10

6.    Describe the operation strategy model.

7.      Discuss the basic layout types.

8.      general procedure for factory location and factor considering with company name or industry name


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