



SlModuleCompetency UnitElementsSchedule DateActual Date
1Module01STCCF101Hardware Concepts (Reference courseware from this point: CONCEPTS OF IT, starting from page: 15); Computer performance; Memory & Storage; Input devices, Output devices; Software Concepts; Network Types,

Understand the term hardware. 
• Understand personal computers. Distinguish between desktop, laptop (notebook), tablet PC, etc. in terms of typical use. 
• Identify common handheld portable digital devices like: personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile phone, smartphone, multimedia player and know their main features. 
• Know the main parts of a computer like: central processing unit (CPU), types of memory, hard disk, common input and output devices. 
• Identify common input/output ports like USB, serial, parallel, network port, FireWire, etc. 
• Know some of the factors that impact computer’s performance like: CPU speed, RAM size, graphics card processor and memory, the number of applications running. 
• Know that the speed (operating frequency) of the CPU is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). 
• Understand what is computer memory, RAM, ROM, ROM-BIOS, Video Memory, storage capacity management, types of storage media 
• Know storage capacity measurements: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB, TB. 
• Know the main types of storage media like: internal hard disk, external hard disk, network drive, CD, DVD, USB flash drive, memory card, online file storage. 
• Identify some of the main input devices like: mouse, keyboard, trackball, scanner, touchpad, stylus, joystick, web camera (webcam), digital camera, microphone, etc. 
• Know some of the main output devices like: screens/monitors, printers,

speakers, headphones. 
• Understand that some devices are both input and output devices like: touch screens. 
• Understand what software is. 
• Understand what an operating system is and name some common operating systems. 
• Identify and know the uses of some common software applications. 
• Distinguish between operating systems software and applications software. 
• Know some options available for enhancing accessibility.

Understand the terms local area network (LAN), wireless local area network (WLAN), wide area network (WAN). 
• Understand the term client/server. 
• Understand what the Internet is and know some of its main uses. 
• Understand what are intranet and extranet

2Module01STCCF101Data Transfer; ICT in Everyday Life Electronic World, Communication, Virtual Communities, Health, Environment, Security, Identity/Authentication, Data Security, Viruses;

Understand the concepts of downloading from, and uploading to a network. 
• Understand what data transfer rate means. Understand how it is measured: bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (kbps), megabitsper second (mbps). 
• Know about different Internet connection services: dial-up, broadband. 
• Know about different options for connecting to the Internet. 
• Understand some of the characteristics of broadband: always-on, typically a flat fee, high speed, higher risk of intruder attack. 
• Understand the term Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 
• Know about different Internet services for consumers like: e-commerce, banking, e-government. 
• Understand the term e-learning. Know some of its features. 
• Understand the term tele-working. 
• Know some of the advantages of tele-working 
• Know some disadvantages of tele-working 
• Understand the term electronic mail (email).

 Understand the term instant messaging (IM). 
• Understand the term Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). 
• Understand the term Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed. 
• Understand the term web log (blog). 
• Understand the term podcast. 
• Understand the concept of an online (virtual) community. 
• Know ways that users can publish and share content online: web log (blog), podcast, photos, video and audio clips. 
• Know the importance of taking precautions when using online communities: make your profile private, limit the amount of personal information you post, be aware that posted information is publicly available, be wary of strangers. 
• Understand the term ergonomics. 
• Recognize that lighting is a health factor in computer use. Be aware that use of artificial light, amount of light, direction of light are all important considerations. 
• Understand that correct positioning of the computer, desk and seat can help maintain a good posture. 
• Recognize ways to help ensure a user’s wellbeing while using a computer like: take regular stretches, have breaks, use eye relaxation techniques. 
• Know about the option of recycling computer components, printer cartridges and paper. 
• Know about computer energy saving options: applying settings to automatically turn off the screen/monitor, to automatically put the computer to sleep, switching off the computer.

• Understand that for security reasons a user name (ID) and password are needed for users to identify themselves when logging on to a computer. 
• Know about good password policies 
• Understand the importance of having an off-site backup copy of files. 
• Understand what a firewall is. 
• Know ways to prevent data theft. 
• Understand the term computer virus. 
• Be aware how viruses can enter a computer system. 
• Know how to protect against viruses and the importance of updating antivirus software regularly.

3Module01STCCF102The Windows 10 Desktop (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, Manipulating Desktop Windows; (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, starting from page: 7)

What is the Windows Desktop?
• Desktop Icons 
• Move Desktop Icons 
• Windows Taskbar 
• Showing Hidden Icons
• Taskbar Clock 
• Customizing Your Desktop 
• Customizing the Desktop Background Wallpaper Picture

• Customizing the Desktop Background Color 
• Setting a Screen Saver  
• Modifying the Computer Date and Time  
• Setting the Keyboard Language and Other Regional Setting  

4Module01STCCF102Applications & the Desktop; Help in Windows 10; File Explorer; Manipulating folders; (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, starting from page 32)


• Starting Application

• Finding Applications such as WordPad

• Using Print Screen Within WordPad

• Identifying the Parts of an Application Window

• Title Bar, The Ribbon, Ribbon Tabs

• Status Bar

• Notepad

• Control Panel

• Switching Between Program Windows

• Cascading Windows

• Displaying Windows Side by Side

• Installing Programs

• Removing Program

• Shutting Down the Computer

• Restarting the Computer
• Using the search for Help Box 
• Displaying Basic Information About Your PC 
• What are Files

• What are Folders 
• Type of Drive and Drive Letters 
• Opening the Windows File Explorer Program 

• Displaying or Hiding the Ribbon 
• The File Explorer Windows

• File Explorer - Folders 

• File Explorer – Devices

• File Explorer – Network Locations

• File Explorer – Downloads

• File Explorer – Desktop

• File Explorer – OneDrive

• File Explorer – Homegroup

• File Explorer – This PC
• Displaying the Contents of a Particular Folder

• Changing the View Within the File Explorer

• Changing the Sort Order in Details View

• Drives, Folders and Files

• Data Storage Device

• File sizes and Disk Storage Capacities

• Creating Folder 
• Creating a Sun-Folder 
• File Naming Issues 
• Renaming a Folder 
• Deleting a Folder 
• Displaying Folder Details

5Module01STCCF102Manipulating files; Searching; Printing Issue; Viruses, Spyware, Cookies (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, starting from page 86) File Types

Selecting Multiple files 
• Counting files in a Folder 
• File Attributes 
• Renaming Files
• Deleting Files

• Restoring Items From the Recycle Bin
• Emptying the Recycle Bin

• Permanently Deleting a File (Bypassing the Recycle Bin)

• Recycled large files
• The Windows Clipboard

• Moving Files Between Folders

• Copying Files Between Folders
• Backup

• Removable Memory Sticks – Auto play

• Backing up data to a removable Drive
• Safely Ejecting a Memory Stick

• What is File Compression?

• Compressing Files

• Extracting Compressed Files

• Searching for Applications (Programs) 
• Searching for Files on Your Hard Disk 
• Searching by File Size
• Searching by Kind

• Searching by File Content 
• Viewing the Printers that are available to your PC 
• Setting the Default Printer
• Installing a New Printer
• Removing a Printer

• Printing from an Application   

• Computer Viruses 
• Spyware 
• Cookies
• Virus Checking Programs
• Scanning for Viruses

• Updating Anti-Virus Programs

ASSESSMENT GUIDE FOR THIS COMPETENCY UNIT (Classes 3-5):Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 3-4 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

6Module01STCCF103The Microsoft Word 2016 Screen; Starting to use Microsoft Word 2016; Using Templates to Create Documents (Reference courseware from this point: MICROSOFT WORD 2016 FOUNDATION starting from page: 06); Using the book “Microsoft Word 2016 Foundation”

Starting Word 2016 
• Opening a blank document
• Introducing with File tab, Ribbon tabs and groups, Dialog Box Launcher 
• Using the default Microsoft Word document 
• Saving Microsoft Word documents

• Opening and Closing documents
• Save As
• Creating a new blank document using a Keyboard shortcut 
• Using help within Microsoft Word
• Using ‘TELL ME’  within Microsoft Word
• ALT key help

• Closing  Microsoft Word 
• Creating new documents using Different Templates

• Using online templates

7Module01STCCF104Manipulating text; Microsoft Word 2016 text formatting; Microsoft Word 2016 paragraph formatting

Select, then format
•  Selecting text
•  Inserting, deleting, undo and redo 
•  Copying text within a document

• Applying bullets to a list, number to alist
• Modifying and removing bullet and numbering formatting

•  Moving (cutting) text within a document 
•  What is text formatting?
• Font: type, size, increase, decrease, bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript  
• Case changing
• Highlighting

• Font color

• Copying text formatting, removing formatting
• Using zoom
• Inserting special characters and symbols

• What is paragraph formatting

• Paragraph marks, line break
• Techniques for aligning and indenting text
• Appling paragraph spacing (single, double, above, below)

• Using paragraph spacing rather than using the return key

8Module01STCCF104Borders and Shading within Microsoft Word 2016 ; Microsoft Word 2016 styles; Using Word 2016 design themes; Microsoft Word 2016 page formatting

Adding and modifying borders 
• Adding and modifying shading
• Applying borders to selected text
• Know about style and apply it 
• Applying design them and it color 
• Apply a customized font
• What is page formatting?
• Page orientation, page size and page margin

• Insert and delete page breaks 
• Creating, editing header footer  
• Inserting page number 
•  Cover pages

•  Applying automatic hyphenation

9Module01STCCF104Word 2016 views and document navigation; Tables; Using graphics within Microsoft Word

Switching between word views 
• Using the zoom tool 
• Navigating through documents 
• Using tables 
• Inserting a table  
• Navigating within a table  
• Selecting and editing text within a table

• Selecting cells, rows, columns or the entire table  
• Inserting and deleting rows and columns  
• Modifying column width or row height

• Modifying the table width  
• Modifying table styles  
• Inserting pictures, Online pictures, Shapes, SmartArt, Chart 

• Modifying the Chart type, Chart style, Chart data
• Inserting a screenshot 
• Selecting, resizing and deleting graphics

• Copying or moving graphics

10Module01STCCF104Finding and Replacing text within a Microsoft 2016 document; Using multiple open documents, Microsoft Word 2016 mail merge Finding and Replacing text within a Microsoft 2016 document; Using multiple open documents, Microsoft Word 2016 mail merge

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 2-3 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

11Module01STCCF105Getting started with Excel 2016; Excel 2016 selection techniques, Manipulating rows and columns within excel 2016; Manipulating cells and cell content within excel 2016; (Reference courseware from this point: MICROSOFT Excel 2016 FOUNDATION starting from page: 08); Using the book “Microsoft Excel 2016 Foundation”

lecting the blank worksheet template
• Entering text, number and date
• Alignment and editing of text, number and date
• Creating, saving, opening and closing excel 2016 
• Saving a workbook using a different file type and different name  
• Different type of selection techniques 
• Inserting and deleting rows and columns into a worksheet
• Modifying column widths and  row heights 
• Copying, moving a cell or range contents within a workbook
• Editing and deleting cell content

12Module01STCCF105Excel 2016 worksheets; Font formatting within Excel 2016; Alignment formatting within Excel 2016; Number formatting within Excel 2016; Freezing row and column titles within Excel 2016; Excel 2016 formulas

Excel 2016 worksheets; Font formatting within Excel 2016; Alignment formatting within Excel 2016; Number formatting within Excel 2016; Freezing row and column titles within Excel 2016; Excel 2016 formulas

Switching between worksheets  
  Recommended techniques with naming worksheets  
•  Inserting  and renaming a new worksheet
•  Copying, moving  a worksheet within a workbook and between workbooks

•  Different types of font formatting  
  Working with different type of alignment  
•  Text wrapping format painter 
•  Number formatting: decimal, comma, currency, percentage
•  Freezing row and column titles  
  Crating and copying formula  
•  Using operator in formula
•  Relative and absolute cell referencing within formulas

13Module01STCCF105Excel 2016 functions ; Excel 2016 charts

What is function 
• Working with different types of functions
• Using the  IF FUNCTION
• Creating  different types of charts

• Resizing a chart
• Deleting a chart
• Chart title or labels
• Changing the column, bar, line or pie slice colours in a chart

Copying and moving charts within a worksheet    
• Copying and moving charts between worksheets 
• Copying and moving charts between workbooks   

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 3-4 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

14Module01STCCF106The Internet (Reference courseware from this point: WEB BROWSING & COMMUNICATION, starting from page: 697); Security Considerations; Basic Browsing; Available Help Functions; Settings; Navigation; Bookmarks; Forms; Searching;

• World Wide Web (WWW) 
• Web sites and URLs 
• URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 
• Hyperlinks 
• ISP (Internet Service Provider) 
• Structure of a Web Address 
• Web Browser
• Search Engines 
• Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds 
• Podcasts 
• Identifying Secure Web Sites and https 
• Digital certificates 
• Encryption 
• Security Threats 
• Virus checkers 
• Firewall 
• Internet security & password logons 
• Risks associated with online activity 
• Parental control options 
• Opening Microsoft Internet Explorer 
• Minimizing, Maximizing, Restoring and Closing 
• Entering a URL into the Address Bar 
• Creating a new tab 
• Stop button 
• Forcing a Web page to display within a new window 
• Forcing a Web page to display within a new tab 
• Refreshing Web pages 
• Switching between tabs 
• Quick Tabs 
• Tab List 
• Closing a tab 
• Internet Explorer icons 
• Displaying Help 
• Help Demos 
• Browsing for Help 
• Asking for Help 
• Printing Help sheets 
• Setting Home Page (Start Page) 
• Setting multiple Home Pages 
• Displaying your viewing history 
• Deleting a history item 
• Deleting the entire browsing history and temporary files 
• Customizing history options 
• Information Bar

• Pop-Up blocking 
• Turning off popup blocking 
• Cookies 
• Internet cache 
• Emptying the cache and deleting temporary Internet files 
• Toolbars 
• Disabling picture display 
• Setting your default browser 
• Installing Add-ons

• Hyperlinks 
• Back and Forward buttons 
• Navigating through Web sites 
• Revisiting Web pages via the address bar 
• Visiting the Home Page 
• Adding a Web page to your favourites 
• Opening a favorite (bookmark) 
• Creating a new favorites folder 
• Moving a favorite to a folder 
• Renaming a bookmark 
• Deleting a bookmark 
• Adding a Web page to a specified bookmark folder 
• Deleting a favourites folder

15Module01STCCF108E-mail Theory; Send and Receive E-Mail Messages (Reference courseware from this point: WEB BROWSING & COMMUNICATION)

The advantages of using email 
• Netiquette 
• Issues when sending file attachments 
• Creating and Sending Messages 
• Addressing Messages 
• Troubleshooting Message Addressing 
• Entering Content 
• Saving and Sending Messages 
• Managing Multiple Accounts 
• Attaching Files to Messages 
• Troubleshooting File Types and Extensions 
• Viewing Messages and Message Attachments 
• Viewing Conversations 
• Configuring Reading Pane Behavior 
• Viewing Reading Pane Content 
• Marking Messages as Read 
• Single Key Reading 
• Viewing Message Participant Information 
• Presence Icons 
• Contact Cards 
• The People Pane 
• Troubleshooting the People Pane 
• Responding to Messages

16Module02STCPWAD2011.HTML Basics ,Primary Structure and Sections

HTML5 Overview ,Recommendation,A few best practices,HTML Document Structure,Differences Between HTML 4 and HTML5, DOCTYPEs,Inline vs. Block-level Elements,HTML Comments,Attributes ,I18n (Internationalization),Global (HTML5), Data Attributes,Basic Data Types,Character Entities

17Module02STCPWAD2012. Primary Structure and Sections ,Document Head .

address,body,HTML5 and the body Element,div,h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,hr,base,link,meta,style,HTML5 and the style Element ,title,

18Module02STCWDPF 2013. List,Tex

Nested Lists,dd,dl,When Can You Use a Definition List? ,HTML5, the dl Element, and Dialogue dt,li,HTML5 and the li Element,ol,UL,

Anchor(a),simple link to another resource,link to subpage,link up a level or two,link with absolute path,link to e-mail address, abbr, acronym,b,bdo,big,blockquote,br,cite,code,del,dfn,em,i,ins,kbd,p,pre,q,samp,small,strong,sub,sup,tt,var,

19Module02STCPWAD201Embedded Content (Images and Objects)

area,img,attributes of img,map,object,Object vs. Embed,param,

20Module02STCPWAD202Forms,Tabular Data

button,Attributes in Detail,fieldset,form details, checkbox,,form element,input element,lebel,legend,optgroup,option,select,textarea,Tabular Data. caption,col,colgroup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,

21Module02STCPWAD20214.Frames,Primary Structure and Sections. Text


Embedded Content (Images, Media, and More),forms,Interactive Elements "

22Module02STCWPSI 2033. Bootstrap Overview,Bootstrap Environment Setup ,Bootstrap Grid System ,Bootstrap CSS Overview Bootstrap Overview,Bootstrap Environment Setup ,Bootstrap Grid System ,Bootstrap CSS Overview

Bootstrap Typography ,Bootstrap Code ..Bootstrap Tables .Bootstrap Forms ,Bootstrap Buttons ,Bootstrap Images Bootstrap Helper Classes

23Module02STCWPSI 2045.Bootstarp Responsive Utilities ,Bootstrap Glyphicons ,Bootstrap Dropdowns

Bootstarp Responsive Utilities ,Bootstrap Glyphicons ,Bootstrap Dropdowns .Bootstrap Button Groups,Bootstrap Button Dropdowns .Bootstrap Input Groups .

24Module02STCWPSI 20416.Bootstrap Navigation Elements ,Bootstrap Navbar .Bootstrap Breadcrumb .

Bootstrap Navigation Elements ,Bootstrap Navbar .Bootstrap Breadcrumb . Bootstrap Pagination Bootstrap Label,Bootstrap Jumpotro

25Module02STCPWAD20417.Bootstrap Page Header ,Bootstrap Thumbnails ,Bootstrap Alerts .Bootstrap Progress Bars ,Bootstrap Media Object ,Bootstrap List Group .Bootstrap Panels .Bootstrap Wells "

Bootstrap Page Header ,Bootstrap Thumbnails ,Bootstrap Alerts .Bootstrap Progress Bars ,Bootstrap Media Object ,Bootstrap List Group .Bootstrap Panels .Bootstrap Wells

26Module02STCPWAD 2048.Bootstrap Plugins Overview .Bootstrap Transition Plugin .,Bootstrap Modal Plugin ..Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin .Bootstrap Tab Plugin .Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin .Bootstrap Popover Plugin ..Bootstrap Button Plugin,Bootstrap Collapse Plugin

Bootstrap Plugins Overview .Bootstrap Transition Plugin .,Bootstrap Modal Plugin ..Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin .Bootstrap Tab Plugin .Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin .Bootstrap Popover Plugin ..Bootstrap Button Plugin,Bootstrap Collapse Plugin .

27Module02STCPWAD 2048.Bootstrap Plugins Overview .Bootstrap Transition Plugin .,Bootstrap Modal Plugin ..Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin .Bootstrap Tab Plugin .Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin .Bootstrap Popover Plugin ..Bootstrap Button Plugin,Bootstrap Collapse Plugin

Bootstrap Plugins Overview .Bootstrap Transition Plugin .,Bootstrap Modal Plugin ..Bootstrap Dropdown Plugin .Bootstrap Tab Plugin .Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin .Bootstrap Popover Plugin ..Bootstrap Button Plugin,Bootstrap Collapse Plugin .

28Module02STCPWAD 205Demonstrate knowledge on JavaScript , Demonstrate some samples of JavaScript

Basic usage of JavaScript in a web page • Apply skills on JavaScript into your HTML Pages • Demonstrate advantages pf JavaScript in comparison with HTML • Apply skills on alerting the viewer • Apply skills on prompting a reaction • Change Background Colours • Demonstrate knowledge on generated JavaScript

29Module02STCPWAD 205.Demonstrate knowledge on literals

Demonstrate Numbers • Scientific Notations • Hexadecimal Literals • Strings • The Escape Sequence for Strings • Boolean Values • Calculations and Concatenations • Objects as Literals

30Module02STCPWAD 2052.Demonstrate how write JavaScript properly

Writing JavaScript • Gain knowledge on case sensitivity • Apply skills on entering comments • The Optional Semicolon • Demonstrate the right ways to be recognised by Older Browsers • Demonstrate the naming rules and conventions • Demonstrate reserved words

31Module02STCWDPF 206Demonstrate knowledge on literals,Gain knowledge on Variables

Functions as literals • Undefined and Null Values • Regular Expression Literals • Declaring and Naming • Global and Local Variables • Primitive and Compound Data

32Module02STCPWAD 20621.Demonstrate Arrays and Operator

Demonstrate arrays • Setting up and array • Array properties and methods • Array length • Functions of array object • Operators in JavaScript

33Module02STCPWAD 20722. Apply skills on sequenced statements,branching statements

Variable Declaration and Assignments • Function Definitions • Function Calls • Increment/Decrement Statements

Apply skills on conditional structures • Demonstrate the if statements • Demonstrate the else keyword • Demonstrate the else if convention • Apply skills on using switch, case and break

34Module02STCPWADF207Demonstrate loops

Demonstrate the for in loop • Demonstrate the while loop • Demonstrate the do while loop

Demonstrate the with statement • Demonstrate the label and continue statements • Demonstrate nested loops

35Module02STCPWAD10826.Apply skills on using functions in JavaScript

Apply skills on methods and functions • Apply skills on creating functions • Firing functions with event handlers • Demonstrate event categories • Load Events • Apply skills on form-related events • Demonstrate the return statements • Apply skills on using functions as data

36Module02STCPWAD20827. Apply skills on using functions in JavaScript,Demonstrate object and hierarchies

Apply skills on using the function CONSTRUCTOR • Apply skills on using function literals • Demonstrate properties in functions • Demonstrate hierarchy of objects in JavaScript • Demonstrate user-defined objects • Demonstrate built-in objects and their properties • Demonstrate key build-in object methods

37Module02STCPWAD 208Demonstrate object oriented programming in JavaScript

 Demonstrate object oriented programming in JavaScript

38Module02STCPWAD 20930. Demonstrate event handlers

Demonstrate event handlers

39Module02STCESADJ2EE 20831. Apply skills on using Forms with JavaScript

Apply skill on using many types of FORM elements in HTML • Apply skills on passing data between forms and variables • Demonstrate forms and elements • Apply skills on addressing and naming forms • Apply skills on passing hidden text and unseen data between pages

40Module02STCPWAD 20831.Save time and memory with Cookies

Demonstrate what are cookies and how are they used • Apply skills on putting cookies to work • Create a Cookie • Reading Cookies • Add More Attributes • Getting Information and Giving It Back • Delete Cookies

41Module03STCWPSI 301Introduction to PHP

Features of PHP4 and PHP5 • General Language Features

42Module03STCWPSI 3012. Installing and Configuring Apache and PHP

Apply Skills Installing and Configuring PHP with Apache Server on Windows

43Module03STCWPSI 3013. PHP Basics

Escaping to PHP and Comments • Functions for PHP’s Output

44Module03STCWPSI 3014. PHP Basics

Data types, Identifiers and Variables, Constants and Expressions


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