
Marketing Management final suggest


Final exam suggestions for marketing management


Faculty of Business Administration, MBA & EMBA Programs

Final Examination

Course title: Marketing Management

Time:                                                                                                 Total Marks: 40

Part A:                       Write short notes on: any ten of the followings:                 1 × 10 = 10

1.    Write short notes on the following:

(a)   Brand Mantras

(b)   Positioning 

(c)   Geo-clustering

(d)   Product line

(e)   Line filling

(f)    Reference price

(g)   Price discounts and allowances

(h)   Target costing

(i)    Pull strategy

(j)    Push strategy

(k)   Exclusive distribution

(l)    Target return pricing

(m) M - commerce

(n)   Marketing communication

(o)   Integrated marketing communication

(p)   Personal communication channels


Part B:           Answer any Four of the following questions:                                  5 × 4 = 20

1.    State the criteria for effective segmentation. What are the patterns of target marketing selection? 

2.    How can products be classified according to durability, tangibility and use. Define consumer goods and industrial goods.

3.    What are the factors firms must consider in setting their pricing policy? Describe two pricing objectives.

4.    Describe any three pricing methods.

5.    Define channel conflict. What are the causes of channel conflict? 

6.    What decisions do companies face in managing their channels?

7.    Draw the Learn-Feel-Do Hierarchy Matrix.


Part C:                       Answer any one of the following questions:                                     10x1= 10

1.    Describe five marketing communication mix elements?

2.    Describe the bases for segmenting business marketing.

3.    How do customers behave when purchasing different types of consumer goods? How should different types of consumer goods be priced, distributed and promoted?

4.    When should a company initiates a price changes and how should it respond to a competitor's price change?

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