

Interviewing Stakeholders in Dhaka's Vegetable Marketing System

Conducting interviews with various stakeholders in Dhaka's vegetable marketing system can be a valuable source of data for your MPhil research. Here's a guide to help you plan and conduct successful interviews with farmers, Beparis, Aratdars, and retailers:


  • Develop Interview Guide: Create a structured interview guide with open-ended questions tailored to each stakeholder group. Here are some examples:

    • Farmers: Production practices, challenges faced, market access, pricing information, income levels.
    • Beparis: Sourcing practices, margins, role in financing farmers, information access.
    • Aratdars: Wholesale operations, pricing strategies, supply chain challenges, future trends.
    • Retailers: Customer preferences, sourcing methods, profit margins, impact of modern supermarkets.
  • Sampling Strategy: Select interview participants representing diverse segments within each group. Consider factors like location, size of operation, and types of vegetables handled.

  • Translation and Ethical Considerations: If necessary, arrange for translation services to ensure clear communication. Obtain informed consent from participants and maintain data confidentiality.

Conducting Interviews:

  • Introduce Yourself and Research: Explain your research goals and the purpose of the interview.
  • Build Rapport: Create a comfortable and open environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their experiences and insights.
  • Active Listening: Pay close attention to their responses and ask follow-up questions for clarification.
  • Record with Consent: Obtain verbal or written consent to record the interview, and ensure recordings are stored securely.

Additional Tips:

  • Offer Incentives (Optional): Consider offering participants a small token of appreciation for their time, especially for long interviews.
  • Triangulation: Combine interview data with other research methods like data analysis or observations to strengthen your findings.
  • Pilot Testing: Pre-test your interview guide with a few participants to identify any unclear questions or areas for improvement.

Finding Interview Participants:

  • Government Agencies: Contact the Bangladesh Department of Agriculture Marketing (DoAM) or local agricultural extension offices. They might be able to connect you with farmers' groups or cooperatives.
  • Market Associations: Reach out to associations representing Beparis, Aratdars, or retailers in Dhaka.
  • Snowball Sampling: Ask initial participants to recommend others within their network who might be willing to be interviewed.

By carefully planning and conducting interviews with these stakeholders, you can gain valuable insights into the complexities of Dhaka's vegetable marketing system, informing your MPhil research and potential solutions for a more efficient, equitable, and sustainable future.

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