
question International Business Midterm 60 BBA

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Course title: International Business

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Course title: International Business
Midterm Examination, Spring Semester, May - August, 2020
Total Marks: 30
Total Hours: 3 hours (time: 10.00am to 1.00pm)

Attention: Give page number and date and Id number in every page 

Part A: Complete the followings: (write down the question and answer both)  1x10=10

1.      International business transactions include:....

2.      Because a company’s international external environment is usually more diverse than its domestic external environment, it is useful to study international business in order to:...

3.   According to the text, when the former Soviet Union disbanded, business transactions between Russia and Ukraine changed from _____________ to _____________.

4.      International business has recently grown at such a rapid pace because of: ...

5.      Why have governments been liberalizing cross-border movements of goods, services, and resources?

6.      What is an example of a business or government service that has eased the conduct of international business in recent years?

7.      An investment that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company is known as which of the following?

8.      A company that takes a global approach to foreign markets and productions is called a: ...

9.      The trends that have influenced the recent worldwide growth in international business, such as rapid expansion of technology and liberalization of governmental trade policies, also usually favor a _____________ strategy.

10.  Countries enact treaties to solve problems they either cannot or will not solve alone because:...

Part B: Short question: (write down the question and answer both) (Marks: 5x2=10)

1.      A) In a short essay, list and describe the three primary reasons companies engage in international business. (Full Marks: 4)
B)  Give example of the above question.(Full Marks: 1)

2.      A) In a short essay, list and describe the various modes of international business as described in the text.   (Full Marks: 4)
       B) Give example of the above question. (Full Marks: 1)

Part C: (Full Marks: 5 + 5 = 10)

1. Class Attendance & Class Performance  (Full Marks: 5)
2. Viva (Start from 3.00pm today at google meet: follow class room link)  (Full Marks: 5)

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