

Finding Data on Agricultural Production and Market Prices in Dhaka

Here are some resources for finding data on agricultural production and market prices in Dhaka for your MPhil research:

Government Agencies:

  • Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS): The National Statistical Organization of Bangladesh. It publishes various reports on agriculture, including:

    • Annual Survey on Crop Production: Provides annual estimates of area and production for 126 crops, including major vegetables grown in Bangladesh. (
    • Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh: Compiles various economic and social data, including some information on agricultural production and prices. (
    • BBS Website: Search their website using keywords like "agriculture," "vegetable production," "market prices," and "Dhaka" to find relevant publications and datasets.
  • Ministry of Agriculture (MoA): The MoA oversees agricultural development in Bangladesh. They might have data on production and prices on their website, though it might not be as comprehensive as the BBS. (

  • Department of Agriculture Marketing (DoAM): Under the MoA, the DoAM's primary function is marketing agricultural products. They might have data on market prices and trends in Dhaka. Check their website or contact them directly to inquire about data availability. (

Additional Resources:

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations: The FAO maintains a global information system on food, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. Their website might have data on agricultural production in Bangladesh, including Dhaka. (
  • World Bank: The World Bank Open Data platform provides data on various topics, including agriculture. Search for relevant indicators related to agricultural production and prices in Bangladesh. (


  • Search in Bengali: Government websites might offer data in both Bengali and English. Searching in Bengali with keywords like "শাকসব্জী উৎপাদন" (Shak-shabji Utpadan - Vegetable Production) and "বাজার মূল্য" (Bazar Muljo - Market Price) might yield additional results.
  • Contact Agencies Directly: Don't hesitate to contact the data departments of these agencies directly to inquire about specific data you need and their format (e.g., spreadsheets, reports).

Remember: Data availability and timeliness can vary. Check publication dates and data collection periods to ensure the information is relevant for your research.

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