
Final exam suggestions for marketing management


Faculty of Business Administration, MBA & EMBA Programs

Final Examination, Winter Semester, 2021

Course title: Marketing Management

Batch: 56+others

Time:                                                                                                 Total Marks: 40

Part A:                       Write short notes on: any ten of the followings:                 1 × 10 = 10

1.    Write short notes on the following:

(a)   Brand

(b)   Brand portfolio

(c)   World’s 10 most valuable brands

(d)   Positioning

(e)   POP

(f)    POD

(g)   Five product levels

(h)   Packaging objectives

(i)    Labeling objectives

(j)    Reference price

(k)   Markup pricing

(l)    Target return pricing

(m) Marketing channels

(n)   Value networks

(o)   Vertical marketing system

(p)   Integrated Marketing communications

(q)   Reminder advertising

(r)    Informative advertising

(s)   Reach

(t)    Billboards 


Part B:           Answer any Four of the following questions:                                  5 × 4 = 20

1.    What major psychological processes influence consumer responses to the marketing program?

2.    How do marketers identify and analyze competition?

3.    How are brands successfully differentiated?

4.    How can companies differentiate products?

5.    Why is product design important and what factors affect a good design?

6.    How do consumers process and evaluate prices?

7.    How should a company set prices initially for products or services?

8.    How should channels be designed?

9.    How do marketing communications work?

10. What are the major steps in developing effective communications?

11. What steps are required in developing an advertising program?

12. How should sales promotion decisions be made?


Part C:                       Answer any one of the following questions:                                     10x1= 10

1.    What are the differences in positioning and branding with a small business?

2.    How can a company build and manage its product mix and product lines?

3.    How should a company respond to a competitor’s price change?

4.    How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict?

5.    How can companies exploit the potential of public relations and publicity?


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