
CIS midterm suggestions


Faculty of Business Administration, BBA Programs

Mid-term Examination


Course title: Computer Information System

Time: 2 HR                                                                                                      Total Marks: 30


Part A 

1.      Write short notes on (any TEN):                                                                 1 × 10 = 10

a)      Computer,

b)      Data & Information,

c)      Input device,

d)     Output device,

e)      System unit,

f)       Communication device,

g)      Processor (CPU),

h)      Memory (RAM),

i)        Motherboard,

j)        Ports,

k)      CMOS,

l)        Productivity,

m)    Creativity,

n)      Communication,

o)      Management.



Part B

Answer any TWO of the following questions.                                             5 × 2 = 10

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using computers?
  2. Write down the categories of computers.
  3. Draw a system unit diagram.
  4. Discuss the Internet and World Wide Web.


Part C

Answer any ONE of the following questions.                                                10 × 1 = 10

  1. Discuss the various types of software for different purposes of its use.
  2. Explain the components of a motherboard and memory unit of a computer.
  3. Describe the Ergonomics and input devices.



Faculty of Business Administration, BBA Programs

Final Examination


Course title: Computer Information System

Time: 2 HR                                                                                                      Total Marks: 30


Part A 

1.      Write short notes on (any TEN):                                                                 1 × 10 = 10

a)      e-commerce,

b)      cloud computing,

c)      access speed,

d)     accessibility,

e)      syntex,

f)       compiler,

g)      integrated development environment,

h)      system development life cycle,

i)        prototyping,

j)        snagging,

k)      degree of harm,

L).   Hacking.



Part B

Answer any TWO of the following questions.                                             5 × 2 = 10

  1. What is enterprise computing? List out it's hardware.
  2. Write down about the emerging trends in enterprise computing.
  3. Briefly discuss about spreadsheets 'Formula magic: transforming data into insights.'
  4. Disc.


Part C

Answer any ONE of the following questions.                                                10 × 1 = 10

  1. Delivering into data analysis with SPSS your guide to UN masking insights what is SPSS.
  2. R r a playground for data exploration and statistical wizardry.
  3. Demi stify artificial intelligence a beginners guide
  4. Discuss the ways Identity theft happens.

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