


DAG [Delivery and Assessment Guide]

Select A Round:Module


SlModuleCompetency UnitElementsSchedule DateActual Date
1Module01STCCF101Hardware Concepts (Reference courseware from this point: CONCEPTS OF IT, starting from page: 15); Computer performance; Memory & Storage; Input devices, Output devices; Software Concepts

• Understand the term hardware. 
• Understand personal computers. Distinguish between desktop, laptop (notebook), tablet PC, etc. in terms of typical use. 
• Identify common handheld portable digital devices like: personal digital assistant (PDA), mobile phone, smartphone, multimedia player and know their main features. 
• Know the main parts of a computer like: central processing unit (CPU), types of memory, hard disk, common input and output devices. 
• Identify common input/output ports like USB, serial, parallel, network port, FireWire, etc. 
• Know some of the factors that impact computer’s performance like: CPU speed, RAM size, graphics card processor and memory, the number of applications running. 
• Know that the speed (operating frequency) of the CPU is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz). 
• Understand what is computer memory, RAM, ROM, ROM-BIOS, Video Memory, storage capacity management, types of storage media 
• Know storage capacity measurements: bit, byte, KB, MB, GB, TB. 
• Know the main types of storage media like: internal hard disk, external hard disk, network drive, CD, DVD, USB flash drive, memory card, online file storage. 
• Identify some of the main input devices like: mouse, keyboard, trackball, scanner, touchpad, stylus, joystick, web camera (webcam), digital camera, microphone, etc. 
• Know some of the main output devices like: screens/monitors, printers, speakers, headphones. 
• Understand that some devices are both input and output devices like: touch screens. 
• Understand what software is. 
• Understand what an operating system is and name some common operating systems. 
• Identify and know the uses of some common software applications. 
• Distinguish between operating systems software and applications software. 
• Know some options available for enhancing accessibility.



2Module01STCCF101Network Types, Data Transfer; ICT in Everyday Life Electronic World, Communication, Virtual Communities, Health, Environment

• Understand the terms local area network (LAN), wireless local area network (WLAN), wide area network (WAN). 
• Understand the term client/server. 
• Understand what the Internet is and know some of its main uses. 
• Understand what are intranet and extranet. 
• Understand the concepts of downloading from, and uploading to a network. 
• Understand what data transfer rate means. Understand how it is measured: bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (kbps), megabitsper second (mbps). 
• Know about different Internet connection services: dial-up, broadband. 
• Know about different options for connecting to the Internet. 
• Understand some of the characteristics of broadband: always-on, typically a flat fee, high speed, higher risk of intruder attack. 
• Understand the term Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 
• Know about different Internet services for consumers like: e-commerce, banking, e-government. 
• Understand the term e-learning. Know some of its features. 
• Understand the term tele-working. 
• Know some of the advantages of tele-working 
• Know some disadvantages of tele-working 
• Understand the term electronic mail (email). 
• Understand the term instant messaging (IM). 
• Understand the term Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). 
• Understand the term Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed. 
• Understand the term web log (blog). 
• Understand the term podcast. 
• Understand the concept of an online (virtual) community. 
• Know ways that users can publish and share content online: web log (blog), podcast, photos, video and audio clips. 
• Know the importance of taking precautions when using online communities: make your profile private, limit the amount of personal information you post, be aware that posted information is publicly available, be wary of strangers. 
• Understand the term ergonomics. 
• Recognize that lighting is a health factor in computer use. Be aware that use of artificial light, amount of light, direction of light are all important considerations. 
• Understand that correct positioning of the computer, desk and seat can help maintain a good posture. 
• Recognize ways to help ensure a user’s wellbeing while using a computer like: take regular stretches, have breaks, use eye relaxation techniques. 
• Know about the option of recycling computer components, printer cartridges and paper. 
• Know about computer energy saving options: applying settings to automatically turn off the screen/monitor, to automatically put the computer to sleep, switching off the computer.

3Module01STCCF101Security, Identity/Authentication, Data Security, Viruses; Law, Copyright, Data Protection

• Understand that for security reasons a user name (ID) and password are needed for users to identify themselves when logging on to a computer. 
• Know about good password policies 
• Understand the importance of having an off-site backup copy of files. 
• Understand what a firewall is. 
• Know ways to prevent data theft. 
• Understand the term computer virus. 
• Be aware how viruses can enter a computer system. 
• Know how to protect against viruses and the importance of updating antivirus software regularly. 
• Understand the term copyright. 
• Know how to recognize licensed software 
• Understand the term end-user license agreement. 
• Understand the terms shareware, freeware, open source. 
• Identify the main purposes of data protection legislation or conventions 
• Identify the main data protection rights for a data subject in your country.

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions. Do not forget to email the question script (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant. No evidence assessment is necessary for this unit.

4Module01STCCF102The Windows 10 Desktop; Manipulating Desktop Windows (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, starting from page: 7); Knowing Windows 10 Desktop, Desktop Icons, Taskbar, Customize Desktop, Setting and modifying Desktop Background, Screen Saver, Date and Time, Other setting.

• What is the Windows Desktop?
• Knowing Desktop Icons 
• Know How to Move  Desktop Icons 
• Knowing Windows Taskbar 
• Showing Hidden Icons
• Setting Taskbar Clock 
• Customizing Your Desktop 
• Customizing the Desktop Background Wallpaper Picture

• Customizing the Desktop Background Color 
• Setting a Screen Saver  
• Modifying the Computer Date and Time  
• Setting the Keyboard Language and Other Regional Setting 

• Know how to Drag and Drop Desktop icons, files and folder

• Know how to select and manipulate

• Single Clicking vs. Double Clicking

• Moving a Window on the Desktop

• Resizing a Window, Narrower or Wider

• Resizing a Window, Taller or Shorter

• Resizing a Window in Two Directions at Once

• Maximizing and Minimizing Window

• Closing a Window

• The Start Button and Start Menu

5Module01STCCF102Applications & the Desktop; Help in Windows 10; File Explorer (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, starting from page: 32)

• Multitasking

• How to start an application

• Finding Applications such as WordPad

• Using Print Screen Within WordPad

• Identifying the Parts of an Application Window

• Title Bar, The Ribbon, Ribbon Tabs

• Status Bar

• Notepad

• Control Panel

• Switching Between Program Windows

• Cascading Windows

• Displaying Windows Side by Side

• Installing Programs

• Removing Program

• Shutting Down the Computer

• Restarting the Computer

• Using the search for Help Box 
• Displaying Basic Information About Your PC 
• Knowing about Files and Folders 
• Type of Drive and Drive Letters 
• Opening the Windows File Explorer Program 
• Displaying or Hiding the Ribbon 
• The File Explorer Windows

• File Explorer - Folders

• File Explorer – Devices

• File Explorer – Network Locations

• File Explorer – Downloads

• File Explorer – Desktop

• File Explorer – OneDrive

• File Explorer – Homegroup

• File Explorer – This PC
• Displaying the Contents of a Particular Folder

• Changing the View Within the File Explorer

• Changing the Sort Order in Details View

• Drives, Folders and Files

• Data Storage Device

• File sizes and Disk Storage Capacities


Birthday of bangabandhu

6Module01STCCF102Manipulating folders; Manipulating files (Reference Courseware from this point: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, starting from page 74)

• Creating Folder 
• Creating a Sun-Folder 
• File Naming Issues 
• Renaming a Folder 
• Deleting a Folder 
• Displaying Folder Details 

• File Types 
• Selecting Multiple files 
• Counting files in a Folder 
• File Attributes 
• Renaming Files
• Deleting Files

• Restoring Items From the Recycle Bin
• Emptying the Recycle Bin

• Permanently Deleting a File (Bypassing the Recycle Bin)

• Recycled large files
• The Windows Clipboard

• Moving Files Between Folders

• Copying Files Between Folders
• Backup

• Removable Memory Sticks – Auto play

• Backing up data to a removable Drive
• Safely Ejecting a Memory Stick

• What is File Compression?

• Compressing Files

• Extracting Compressed Files

7Module01STCCF102Searching; Printing Issue; Viruses, Spyware, Cookies (Reference Courseware: WINDOWS 10 Foundation, Page 118-137)

• Searching for Applications (Programs) 
• Searching for Files on Your Hard Disk 
• Searching by File Size
• Searching by Kind

• Searching by File Content 
• Viewing the Printers that are available to your PC 
• Setting the Default Printer
• Installing a New Printer
• Removing a Printer

• Printing from an Application   

• Computer Viruses 
• Spyware 
• Cookies
• Virus Checking Programs
• Scanning for Viruses

• Updating Anti-Virus Programs

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:

A written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.

An evidence assessment including 3-4 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency uint.

Do not forget to email the question script (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

8Module01STCCF103The Microsoft Word 2016 Screen; Starting to use Microsoft Word 2016; Using Templates to Create Documents (Reference courseware from this point: MICROSOFT WORD 2016 FOUNDATION starting from page: 06); Using the book “Microsoft Word 2016 Foundation”

• Starting Word 2016 
• Opening a blank document
• Introducing with File tab, Ribbon tabs and groups, Dialog Box Launcher 
• Using the default Microsoft Word document 
• Saving Microsoft Word documents

• Opening and Closing documents
• Save As
• Creating a new blank document using a Keyboard shortcut 
• Using help within Microsoft Word
• Using ‘TELL ME’  within Microsoft Word
• ALT key help

• Closing  Microsoft Word 
• Creating new documents using Different Templates

• Using online templates

9Module01STCCF103Manipulating text; Microsoft Word 2016 text formatting; Microsoft Word 2016 paragraph formatting

•  Select, then format
•  Selecting text
•  Inserting, deleting, undo and redo 
•  Copying text within a document
•  Moving (cutting) text within a document 
•  What is text formatting?
• Font: type, size, increase, decrease, bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript  
• Case changing
• Highlighting

• Font color

• Copying text formatting, removing formatting
• Using zoom
• Inserting special characters and symbols

• What is paragraph formatting

• Paragraph marks, line break
• Techniques for aligning and indenting text
• Appling paragraph spacing (single, double, above, below)

• Using paragraph spacing rather than using the return key

• Applying bullets to a list, number to alist
• Modifying and removing bullet and numbering formatting

10Module01STCCF103Borders and Shading within Microsoft Word 2016 ; Microsoft Word 2016 styles; Using Word 2016 design themes; Microsoft Word 2016 page formatting

• Adding and modifying borders 
• Adding and modifying shading
• Applying borders to selected text
• Know about style and apply it 
• Applying design them and it color 
• Apply a customized font
• What is page formatting?
• Page orientation, page size and page margin

• Insert and delete page breaks 
• Creating, editing header footer  
• Inserting page number 
•  Cover pages
•  Applying automatic hyphenation

11Module01STCCF103Word 2016 views and document navigation; Tables

• Switching between word views 
• Using the zoom tool 
• Navigating through documents 
• Using tables 
• Inserting a table  
• Navigating within a table  
• Selecting and editing text within a table

• Selecting cells, rows, columns or the entire table  
• Inserting and deleting rows and columns  
• Modifying column width or row height

• Modifying the table width  
• Modifying table styles

12Module01STCCF103Using graphics within Microsoft Word; Finding and Replacing text within a Microsoft 2016 document; Using multiple open documents

• Inserting pictures, Online pictures, Shapes, SmartArt, Chart

• Modifying the Chart type, Chart style, Chart data
• Inserting a screenshot
• Selecting, resizing and deleting graphics

• Copying or moving graphics

• Using find and replace find the text and replace the text
• Multitasking with Word 2016
• Switching between open documents
• Tiling or cascading documents on your screen
• Comparing documents side by side
• Copying or moving selected items between documents



13Module01STCCF103Microsoft Word 2016 mail merge

• Starting the mail merge wizard, six steps of mail merge wizard
• Creating a mailing list to be used within a mail merge  
• Merging a mailing list to produce labels

• What is mail merging?

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 2-3 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

14Module01STCCF104Getting started with Excel 2016; Excel 2016 selection techniques, Manipulating rows and columns within excel 2016 (Reference courseware from this point: MICROSOFT Excel 2016 FOUNDATION starting from page: 08); Using the book “Microsoft Excel 2016 Foundation”

• Selecting the blank worksheet template
• Entering text, number and date
• Alignment and editing of text, number and date
• Creating, saving, opening and closing excel 2016 
• Saving a workbook using a different file type and different name  
• Different type of selection techniques 
• Inserting and deleting rows and columns into a worksheet
• Modifying column widths and  row heights



15Module01STCCF104Manipulating cells and cell content within excel 2016; Excel 2016 worksheets; Font formatting within Excel 2016

• Copying, moving a cell or range contents within a workbook
• Editing and deleting cell content

• Indo and redo  
• Copying and moving data between worksheets (within the same workbook)
• Moving data worksheets (between different workbooks)

• Copying data between worksheets (in different workbooks)
•  Autofill
•  Sorting a cell range

•  Switching between worksheets  
  Recommended techniques with naming worksheets  
•  Inserting  and renaming a new worksheet
•  Copying, moving  a worksheet within a workbook and between workbooks

•  Different types of font formatting  
  Working with different type of alignment  
•  Text wrapping format painter

16Module01STCCF104Alignment formatting within Excel 2016; Number formatting within Excel 2016; Freezing row and column titles within Excel 2016

  Working with different type of alignment  
•  Centering a title over a cell range

•  Cell orientation

•  Text wrapping

•  Use of format painter

•  Number formatting: decimal point display, comma, currency

•  Date Styles

•  Percentage

•  Freezing row and column titles

17Module01STCCF104Excel 2016 formulas; Excel 2016 functions

  Crating and copying formula  
•  Using operator in formula
•  Relative and absolute cell referencing within formulas

• What is function

• Working with different types of functions


• Using the  IF FUNCTION



18Module01STCCF104Excel 2016 charts

• Creating  different types of charts

• Resizing a chart
• Deleting a chart   
• Chart title or labels
• Changing the column, bar, line or pie slice colours in a chart

• Copying and moving charts within a worksheet

• Copying and moving charts between worksheets

• Copying and moving charts between workbooks

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 3-4 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

19Module01STCCF105Access 2016 Database Concepts; Opening a Database & Security Issues (Reference courseware from this point: MICROSOFT Access 2016 FOUNDATION starting from page: 08); Using the book “Microsoft Access 2016 Foundation”

• Definition of Database with Example

• Concept or Relational Database  
• Database Table, Record and Field
• Explain Data   
• The difference between Data and Information
• Data type

• Common issues of large scale Databases    
• Keeping data discrete

• The advantage of using smallest data in each field

• Concept of Database Designers, Database Administrators, Database Users

• Opening a Database and enable security warning

• Concept of Trust Centre

• Explain how to setup default Access Folder

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20Module01STCCF105Access 2016 Tables, Fields and Field Types; Access 2016 Table Navigation & Modification

• Create a new blank Database 
• Adding fields and setting the field type 
• Discuss Access data types 
• Closing and Naming a Table 
• Opening a Table within a Database 
• Switching between Datasheet View & Design View

• Adding records to a Table 
• How to saving the changes made to a Table 
• Navigation of record through a Table 
• Adjusting the column width
• Automatically Resizing a column Width to fit  content 
• Moving a column to rearrange the column orde

21Module01STCCF105Access 2016 Field Properties; Manipulating Tables & Records in Access 2016; Access 2016 Primary Keys and Indexing

• Filed properties 
• Input Mask 
• Validating Numbers  & Dates
• Required and Not Required options of data entry 
• Reference Materials, Logical Operators, Validation rules etc. of field properties
• Renaming a Table

• Editing & Deleting data within a record 
• Using Undo commend 
• Deleting Single record & Multiple records 
• Use of Save  As to save different name
• Deleting a table 
• Defining a Primary Key

• Indexing –reference note
• Creating a single field index & a multiple field index 
• Deleting multi-field indexes



22Module01STCCF105Filtering within Access 2016; Sorting within Access 2016; Searching within Access 2016

• Text filters 
• Applying & Clearing a single filter 
• Creating & Clearing multiple filters 
• Sorting records A-Z, Z-A 
• Removing a sort 
• Sorting on multiple fields 
• Searching through record

23Module01STCCF105Access 2016 Relationships; Access 2016 Query (practice sample queries)

• Table relationship

• Different type of relationship

• Creating relationship between Tables

• Understanding of referential integrity

• Deleting relationship

• Different type of relationship

• Creating relationship between Tables

• Understanding of referential integrity

·         Access Queries

·         How to create a Query

·         How to set query in design view like sort/show/criteria etc

·         How to run it

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 3-4 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.

24Module01STCCF106Using PowerPoint 206; Creating a PowerPoint 2016 Presentation; Manipulating Slides within PowerPoint; PowerPoint 2016 Design Themes

• Starting PowerPoint 2016 (Using Windows 10) and Creating a blank presentation. 
• How to open and close a presentation 

• Navigating between slides
• Use of Zoom Tool 
• Changing PowerPoint views 
• Use of Help, Searching for Help and Tell me 
• Opening multiple presentation and switching between them  
• Creating a new presentation

• Inserting new slide into a presentation 

• Techniques of creating slide contents
• Undo and Repeat 
• Saving a presentation and Saving it in different name 
• Inserting slides within a particle slide layout and modifying slide layout 
• Changing the background color on an active slide and on all slides within the presentation

• Applying a them to the presentation 

• Modifying the theme color

• Modifying the theme font

25Module01STCCF106Text Boxes (Placeholders); Manipulating Text in PowerPoint 2016, Font Formatting within PowerPoint; Paragraph Formatting within PowerPoint 2016

• Editing, Resizing & Moving the text boxes
• Selecting text 

• Moving and Copying text within a slide

• Moving and Copying text between the sides of a presentation or between presentation
• Deleting text 

• Using find and replace
• Font formatting options
• Changing font type, size, case and color 

• Use of bold, italic, underline formatting

• Strikethrough and Shadow effect

• Character spacing
• Clearing all text formatting
• Text alignment 

• Columns

• Modifying bullet point formatting 

• Using number list
• Changing the list level
• Identifying bulleted list 

• Use of line spacing and paragraph spacing

• Using outline view

• Use of presenter note
• Text autofit, Text direction
• Text direction within a text box

• Use of format painter

26Module01STCCF106Tables and PowerPoint 2016; PowerPoint 2016 & Illustrations; Manipulating Graphic Objects within PowerPoint 2016

• Table selection techniques: Column selection, Row selection, Entire Table selection 

• Creating a table
• Applying a style to a table
• Adding cell background and shading  

• Applying table effects

• Adding quick styles to selected text

• Applying borders to cells
• Inserting and Deleting column & rows
• Modifying column width and row height

• Distributing rows and columns

• Selecting illustrations 

• Moving, Copying, Inserting, Deleting, Resizing and Stretching Illustration
• Inserting shapes, text into a shape
• Inserting Line, Square, Circle, Arrow, Text box and Smart art 

• Formatting the shape background Fill Colorstyle

• Applying a shadow to Illustration

• Modifying arrow line space and size
• Rotating  or flipping an illustration
• Layering the illustration to front and back

• Aligning graphics relative to each other or relative to the slide

• Aligning shape relative to the left, right, top, bottom and cetre of a slide

• Grouping and ungrouping objects

27Module01STCCF106Manipulating slides within PowerPoint 2016; PowerPoint 2016 slide masters; PowerPoint 2016 slide shows; PowerPoint video creation; Printing and proofing in PowerPoint 2016

• Moving slides within presentation or between presentations 
• Copying slides within presentation or between presentation 
• Deleting slide or slides 
• Understanding  a slide master 
• Inserting and removing picture into master slide 
• Running a slide show 
• Adding and removing slide show transition effects

• Adding, Modifying and Removing slide show animation effects 
• Hiding slides and Displaying hidden slides within a slide show 
• Converting a PowerPoint presentation into a video 
• Spell checking a presentation 
• Using portrait and landscape slide orientation 
• Switching between standard and widescreen formats

• Selecting your output format
• visually inspect each slide before printing

• Printing options 
• Setting the number of copies to print 
• Setting a different number 
• Printing selected slides per page to be printed 
• Single or both sided printing

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 2-3 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.



28Module01STCCF107The Internet (Reference courseware from this point: WEB BROWSING & COMMUNICATION, starting from page: 697); Security Considerations; Basic Browsing; Available Help Functions; Settings

• Internet 
• World Wide Web (WWW) 
• Web sites and URLs 
• URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 
• Hyperlinks 
• ISP (Internet Service Provider) 
• Structure of a Web Address 
• Web Browser 
• Search Engines 
• Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds 
• Podcasts 
• Identifying Secure Web Sites and https 
• Digital certificates 
• Encryption 
• Security Threats 
• Virus checkers 
• Firewall 
• Internet security & password logons 
• Risks associated with online activity 
• Parental control options 
• Opening Microsoft Internet Explorer 
• Minimizing, Maximizing, Restoring and Closing 
• Entering a URL into the Address Bar 
• Creating a new tab 
• Stop button 
• Forcing a Web page to display within a new window 
• Forcing a Web page to display within a new tab 
• Refreshing Web pages 
• Switching between tabs 
• Quick Tabs 
• Tab List 
• Closing a tab 
• Internet Explorer icons 
• Displaying Help 
• Help Demos 
• Browsing for Help 
• Asking for Help 
• Printing Help sheets 
• Setting Home Page (Start Page) 
• Setting multiple Home Pages 
• Displaying your viewing history 
• Deleting a history item 
• Deleting the entire browsing history and temporary files 
• Customizing history options 
• Information Bar 
• Pop-Up blocking 
• Turning off popup blocking 
• Cookies 
• Internet cache 
• Emptying the cache and deleting temporary Internet files 
• Toolbars 
• Disabling picture display 
• Setting your default browser 
• Installing Add-ons

29Module01STCCF107Navigation; Bookmarks; Forms; Searching; Saving Files; Preparing & Printing; Terminology & Concepts; Security Considerations

• Hyperlinks 
• Back and Forward buttons 
• Navigating through Web sites 
• Revisiting Web pages via the address bar 
• Visiting the Home Page 
• Adding a Web page to your favourites 
• Opening a favorite (bookmark) 
• Creating a new favorites folder 
• Moving a favorite to a folder 
• Renaming a bookmark 
• Deleting a bookmark 
• Adding a Web page to a specified bookmark folder 
• Deleting a favourites folder 
• Submitting & resetting Web based forms 
• Search Engine Web sites 
• Using Instant Search 
• Using the Address Bar 
• Using keywords and phrases 
• Using specific words 
• Using an exact phrase 
• By excluding word(s) 
• By date 
• By file format 
• Online encyclopedias 
• Online dictionaries

• Copying a picture from a Web site page 
• Saving a picture on a Web page as a picture file 
• Copying a Web address (URL) to a document 
• Saving a Web page 
• Downloading files from a Web page 
• Previewing Web pages 
• Page Setup - Orientation, paper size and page margins
• Printing the entire Web page 
• Printing a selected area on a Web page 
• Printing specific page(s) 
• Printing a number of copies 
• The structure of an email address 
• SMS (Short Message Service) 
• Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) 
• Instant messaging (IM) 
• Online (virtual) communities 
• Spam or Unsolicited Email 
• Phishing 
• Viruses 
• Digital signatures

30Module01STCCF107E-mail Theory: Gmail

• Opening gmail interface
• Creating a gmail account  
• How to login and logout within gmail 
• Introducing gmail like Inbox, Draft, Sent and spam etc.  
• Use of reply, reply to all, forward 
• How to create (compose) and send an email
• Clear understanding of “To, CC, BCC” of sending an email  
• How to attach file from gmail

• How to remove attached file with gmail
• Marking message as “read” and “unread”  
•  How to save attachment of incoming message
• How to trash a message
• How to delete permanently form trash/bin

Upon completion of the competency unit, trainees’ performance must be assessed by:
1) a written assessment comprising of 20 MCQs and 10 short descriptive questions.
2) an evidence assessment including 2-3 practical questions incorporating the common tasks related to the competency unit. 
Do not forget to email the question scripts (along with answer-keys marked in bold for MCQs) to the concerned consultant.


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