
bba updated syllabus







 Course Curriculum

 Bachelor of Business Administration   (BBA) Program

Faculty of Business Administration


Rangs Panorama, 80 Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi

Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh, Tel: 880-02-9145741 Ex.-

The University of Development Alternative (UODA) is a private university, approved by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Its temporary campus is in Dhaka Metropolitan Area. Within the five years it will have its own campus, which will be in a naturally scenic solitary place in the outskirts of the metropolitan city and free of air pollution and traffic jam. UODA was born in 2002 with the mission to offer its students high quality education. In recent years private universities emerged as mass institutions in which the individual student often felt lost in crowd and uncared for. Founding of UODA has been a conscious departure from the growing anonymity.

UODA is a university where each student counts, each one is taken seriously; here faculty members know the students by name. The close attention paid to each individual student is indeed a distinctive feature of UODA.

UODA philosophy is based on the conviction that “give and take” between the students and the teachers is the very essence of education; even the best technical equipment can never replace it. It is for the personal relationship that students receive inspiration and gain self-confidence.

The real assets of UODA are dedication of its students and excellence of its instructors. Faculty members are carefully selected on the basis of their academic background and their expertise. 

The University of Development Alternative (UODA) prepares students for professional career and higher study. The mission of UODA is to prepare students, personally and professionally, for future leadership roles. The educational process puts particular emphasis on developing international and cross-cultural competencies through English language. 

The University of Development Alternative (UODA) started its journey with the noble mission: 

Mission and Vision of UODA:

  • Guiding the youth

  •  Creating a new generation of skilled youths, self-reliant, forward looking, vibrant individuals, with indomitable energy and self-confidence

  •  Giving youths a strong moral grounding so that their lives may be balanced, sober, just and content

Mission and Vision of BBA, UODA :


“Growth with Education”

Department Mission:

Our Vision is accompanied by our many-fold Mission statement:

  • The mission of the Faculty of Business Administration is to educate future business leaders.

  • Transforming Lives Through Knowledge Creation & Sharing.

  • To provide competency-driven education, a core component of our growth and success.

  • Leveraging our knowledge and resources to provide experiential learning, immersion and other collaboration opportunities.

  • Offering the best professional development and career management opportunities for our students.

  • Committing to continuous improvement through stakeholder engagement, industry relations, and assurance of learning across all programs.

  • Fostering the growth of faculty and staff through professional development plans and programs.

Objective of the program :

Managers of the twenty-first century must be strategic thinkers and leaders with integrity so that they can inspire commitment in others. They must have the ability to manage changes and face challenges in a globally competitive world. In the future, business environment may be more uncertain and decision-making may become  much more complex with a diversity of opportunities and threats. There is a significant shortage of innovative and pro-active managers in Bangladesh. The Department of Business Administration of UODA is committed to educating and training carefully selected young men and women who can meet the demand for managerial excellence both in quality and quantityThe Specific program objectives are :

  • To promote intellectual growth of students.

  • To develop competence necessary for effective management of business, government and service organizations in a dynamic environment.

  • To develop the kind of research skills necessary for dealing with various economic, social, moral and political problems.

  • To provide an environment for corporate linkages both  at national and international levels.

Learning Outcomes of the Program:

The BBA learning Outcomes specify the intellectual and behavioural competencies that graduates should possess and that provide a foundation for their future professional and personal development and success. The Learning Outcomes are general statements, so a number of measurable learning Outcomes are:

  1. Graduates are able to use analytical and reflective thinking techniques to identify and analyze problems, develop viable alternatives, and make effective decisions.

  2. They are able to apply appropriate quantitative and qualitative techniques in solving business problems.

  3. They are able to write effective business documents.

  4. They are able to prepare and deliver effective oral business presentations using a variety of appropriate technologies.

  5. They are able to identify and analyze ethical conflicts and social responsibility issues involving different stakeholders. 

  6. They are able to demonstrate competency in the underlying concepts, theory and tools taught in the core undergraduate curriculum.

  7. They are able to develop viable alternatives and make effective decisions relating to business ethics and social responsibility.

  8. They are able to identify and analyze relevant global factors that influence decision-making. 

  9. They are able to develop viable alternatives and make effective decisions in an international business setting.

  10. They are able to develop an awareness and understanding of the global context in which business operates.

  11. To train students up-to-date teaching methods and foster their social, cultural and Moral values.

About the program 

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program of UODA needs a broad theoretical and practical education that prepares them for continuous learning and effective organized leadership. Business Administration curriculum combines a broad general education and a strong business foundation with a concentration in a specific business discipline. In the first two years of four years program, courses in English, Language, Social and Natural Sciences, Humanity, Cross-Cultural and Computer Science etc; core courses are emphasized. The students shall have to complete core courses and General Education Courses (GED) of 111 credits hours and then they have to select any one area of concentration: Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Management, Management Information Management and Marketing of 18 credits and they have to select 2 minor courses of 6 credits. Then they have to work on a project on a practical problem in the field of the area of concentration and submit a dissertation of 5 credits.

That is the Bachelor degree program requires 136 credits and is extended over a period of 4 years. This program is to be completed in 12 semesters in 4 years, each year having three semesters namely:




January to April


May to August


September – December

Each semester will be of 13 weeks duration.

Grading System:

Students will be informed early of the basis, on which final marks for each course will be determined. The grading system will be as follows:

Grading System (Modified):


Letter Grade

Grade point




























Below 40



  1. The Letter Grade A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-,C+, C and D are considered as pass grades.

  2.  F grade is considered as ‘FAIL’ and in such cases students must go for improvement.

Student’s performance will be evaluated on the basic of Grade Point Average (GPA) in each Semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) that is the Average Grade Points of all Semesters. 

The CGPA is computed in the following manner:


CGPA=    ∑ (Grade Points × Credits)

                                    ∑ Credits

Performance Evaluation:

The performance of a student in a course is evaluated on the basis of course work, lab work, and class attendance and class behavior. The distribution of marks for each course is as follows:

SL. No.




Class Attendance



Assignment, Case study and Presentation (Group and Individual)



Class Tests  and Class Performance



Midterm Examination



Semester Final Examination




Number of Class test and Presentation will be depended on course teacher.

Total time for midterm examination will be 120 minutes (2 hours) and semester final examination will be 180 minutes (3 hours).

Examination Re-take:

A student may have a retake examination by the original examiner and another examiner appointed by the Head. This can be done by applying to the Office of the Head within two weeks of the release of the examination results. The application is to be accompanied by the appropriate fee. The grade resulting from the re-take becomes the recorded grade by which the academic standing of the student is determined. However, if the re-take grades are lower than the previous grades the later would be recorded. 


SSC and HSC with minimum  GPA 2.50 from a recognized Board from any Background and total 6 or O Level; at least 5 subjects with 3Bs and A Level; at least 2 subjects with minimum Bs/3 subjects with 2 Cs.

Foreign & NRB (Non-Residence Bangladeshi) candidates:

For admission to the BBA program, foreign NRB students passed in 10+2 or equivalent examination can also apply. Admission of Foreign/NRB student and their fee structure depends on approval of the competent authorities. 

N.B. : This syllabus is subject to change, modification and adoption of new materials whenever it is necessary and demanded. 


Core Courses: 96 Credits

ITB- 101: Introduction to Business

            ACC-105:       Principles of Accounting 

            MGT-107: Principles of Management

MATH-111: Business Mathematics-I 

ECO-106:        Micro Economics

CIS-112:         Computer Information System

MATH-209: Business Mathematics-II

MKT-110: Principles of Marketing

ACC-207:       Managerial Accounting

STAT-203:     Business Statistics

COM-108: Business Communication

ECO-201:       Macro Economics

HRM-206: Human Resource Management

BUS-210: International Business

LAW-204: Business Law

FIN-202:         Financial Management

ECO-211: Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh 

MGT-212: Organizational Behavior

MGT-302: Operations Management

STM-309: Strategic Management

END-208: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management

STAT-301: Applied Statistics

ACC-303: Auditing & Taxation 

FIN-305: Banking Theory and Practice

MKT-311: Marketing Management

           ENV-304: Environmental Science

           ISS - 205:        Industrial Social Science

           PSY - 306:        Industrial Psychology

            ACC-312: Cost Accounting

            FIN-307: Insurance and Risk Management 

FIN-310 Business Finance

RES-308 Research Methodology  

General Education Courses (GED): 11 Credits

BCH-101: Bangladesh: Culture & Heritage

CSE- 102: Computer Application Lab

ENG-1101:    English Foundation-I

ENG-1102:    English Foundation-II

ENG-1103:    English Foundation-III


Concentration Courses: 24 Credits (Major 18 & Minor 6 Credits)

Students have to take 6 courses as concentration and 2 courses from other discipline as minor. 


ACC-401:        Advanced Cost Accounting

ACC-402: Advanced Accounting

ACC-403: Accounting and Information System

ACC-404: Strategic Management Accounting

ACC-405: Advanced Auditing

ACC-406: Advanced Financial Accounting


             FIN-401:        Corporate Finance

             FIN-402: Working Capital Management

             FIN-403: Financial Institutions and Capital Markets

             FIN-404: Investment Theory 

             FIN-405: International Financial Institutions

             FIN-406: Real Estate Finance

 Human Resource Management (HRM):

  HRM-401: Labor Economics 

HRM-402: Compensation Management

HRM-403: Industrial Relations

HRM-404: Manpower Planning and Forecasting 

HRM-405: Training and Development

HRM-406: Career Planning and Development

 Management Information System (MIS): 

MIS-401: Management and Control of Information System 

MIS-402: Computer Programming

MIS-403: System Analysis and Design

MIS-404: Data Communication and Networking for Business

MIS-405: Electronic Commerce (E-commerce)

MIS-406: Database Management System


MKT-401: Consumer Behavior

MKT-402: International Marketing

MKT-403: Marketing Research

MKT-404: Advertising & Promotion Management

MKT-405: Services Marketing

MKT-406: Strategic Marketing


            MGT - 401: Project Management

MGT - 402: Organizational Structure and Design 

MGT -403: Power, Leadership and Negotiations in Organization 

MGT -404: Management and Control of Information System 

            MGT-405: Total Quality Management

MGT-406: Management of Service Organizations

   Internship: 5 Credits

Semester: 1

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Bangladesh: Culture & Heritage  


ITB –101

Introduction to Business


CSE –102 L

Computer Application Lab



English Foundation-I 



English Foundation-II 



English Foundation-II 


Semester: 2

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Micro Economics



Principles of Management



Business Communication 


Semester: 3

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Principles of Accounting



Principles of Marketing 



Business Mathematics-I



Computer Information System


Semester: 4

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Macro Economics



Financial Management



Business Statistics



Business Law


Semester: 5

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Industrial Social Science



Human Resources Management



Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management



Operations Management


Semester: 6

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Business Mathematics-II



Organizational Behavior 



International Business



Industrial Psychology 


Semester: 7

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh



Applied Statistics



Banking Theory and Practice



Cost Accounting


Semester: 8

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Auditing & Taxation 



Environmental Science 



Strategic Management



Marketing Management


Semester: 9

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Managerial Accounting



Insurance and Risk Management 



Research Methodology 



Business Finance


Major (Specialization) Courses

Each student is required to take any one of the following areas of major from 10th semester

which includes six courses.

Major or Specialization areas for BBA Program are:

a. Accounting

b. Finance

c. Human Resource Management (HRM).

d. Marketing.


Semester: 10

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Advanced Cost Accounting



Advanced Accounting


ACC- 406

Advanced Financial Accounting




Semester: 11

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Accounting  Information System



Strategic Management Accounting


ACC- 405

Advanced Auditing





Semester: 10

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Corporate Finance



Working Capital Management


FIN- 406

Financial Institutions and Capital Markets




Semester: 11

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Investment Theory



International Financial Institutions



Real Estate Finance





Semester: 10

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Labor Economics 



Compensation Management


HRM- 403

Industrial Relations




Semester: 11

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Manpower Planning and Forecasting



Training and Development



Career Planning and Development





Semester: 10

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours



Consumer Behavior


MKT -402

International Marketing


MKT – 403

Marketing Research




Semester: 11

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours


MKT -404

Advertising & Promotion Management


MKT -405

Services Marketing


MKT -406

Strategic Marketing




Semester: 12

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hours


Internship Program





Bangladesh: Culture & Heritage (BCH -101):

Knowledge and Community Development, Human Behavior & Psychology, Social and Moral Education, Law and Human Rights, Politics & Development, Health and Environment, Art & Culture of Bangladesh, Socio-Economic perspective of Bangladesh

Legal rights and duties; enforcement and extinction of legal rights, relation between rights and liberty, relation between rights and duties, kinds of legal rights and civil rights, basic features of the legal system of Bangladesh, characteristics of the constitution of Bangladesh, fundamental rights and civil liberties, judicial system of Bangladesh and independence of judiciary, civil courts: powers, functions and jurisdiction, criminal courts: powers, functions and jurisdiction, special courts and tribunals, civil justice process and the rights involved, criminal  law,  criminal justice process and the process of the people, general aspects of police power,  review  of  the  exercise  of police power.

Computer Application Lab(CSE –102 L):

Microsoft Word: Creating a document, opening and closing document, Saving a document, printing the document, Text formatting: bold, italic & underline, Text Align: left, center, right & justify, Font change, font size & font color, Create list: bullets & numbering, Create Table: insert row above & below, insert column left & right, merge cells, split cells, table design, Insert Picture: resize picture, crop picture, position change, picture style, Microsoft Word shortcut keys; Microsoft Excel : Creating a sheet, opening and closing sheet, Saving a sheet, printing the sheet, Basic knowledge: row, column, cell, cell numbering system, Use function: sum, average, count numbers, max, min, Formulas: user defined formulas, Create a result sheet with grade point average, Create a salary sheet with overtime wages, Create a Electric bill sheet, Visual Charts: column chart, line chart, pie chart, bar chart & area chart, Microsoft Excel shortcut keys;Microsoft PowerPoint: Creating a slide, opening and closing slide, Saving, printing the slide, Slide design: themes, custom themes, Slide Layout: blank, title slide, title and content, two content, comparison etc., Slide animation: animation, custom animation, Insert object: table, picture, sound, movie, Create a presentation with multiple slides, Slide show: from beginning & from current slide, Microsoft PowerPoint shortcut keys

English Foundation-I (ENG-1101): 

Development of integrated language skills with special focus on the mechanics of the writing process; introduction to academic lectures, analytic reading, note-taking practice and study strategies; continued study of grammar, with emphasis on complex structures.

English Foundation-II (ENG-1102):

Continued work on analytic reading and on fluency and control of the writing process; development of expressive, persuasive and referential writing with emphasis on planning, organization, cohesion and coherence.

English Foundation-III (ENG-1103):

Continued work on analytic reading and on fluency and control of the writing process; emphasis on sentence structure, organization, paragraphing, coherence and cohesion; development of expressive, persuasive and referential writing with emphasis on planning, organization, cohesion and coherence; participating in small group discussions and seminars; employing appropriate mechanics of formal speech; further practice in research techniques, project work.

Introduction to Business (ITB – 101):

Introduction: Definition, Features, Importance and Scope of Business, Business and its evaluating, Industry – Types of Industry, Commerce - Branches of Commerce; Business Environment: Business Environment and Its Components: Social, Cultural, Economic, Technological, Legal and Fiscal. Forms of Business Organization: Ownership forms: Sole proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations, Joint Stock Companies, Trust, Cartel, Co-operatives, Joint Venture, Multinational Corporations, Holding Companies, State Enterprises, and Factors influencing the forms of ownership; Institutions for Promotion of Business: Support Services of Government Institutions -Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Trade Associations - The Dhaka Stock Exchange. The Chittagong Stock Exchange and SEC; Trade Practices in Bangladesh: Commercial Policy - Import Procedure – Export Procedure - Formalities - Problems and Measures to overcome them; Business Combination and Integration: Types - Levels - Internal and External, Advantages and Disadvantages. Growth of MNCs and EPZs in Bangladesh; 



Micro Economics (ECO-106):

Overview of microeconomics: Introduction to microeconomics, the nature of economic problems, Scarcity and efficiency, Major issues of microeconomics, Opportunity cost, Production possibility frontier (PPF) ;Theory of demand: Introduction to individual’s demand for a commodity and market demand, Demand and desire, Demand schedule and curve, movement along the curve vs. shifts of the curve ;Elasticity of Demand: Definition, Price, cross and income elasticity. , Details about price elasticity of demand, Determinants of price elasticity of demand; Theory of supply: Definition, Supply and stock, Supply schedule and curve, movement along the curve vs. shift of the Curve; Market equilibrium: Definition, Equilibrium price and quantity, Math related to market equilibrium ;Theory of production: The production function. Stages of production, fixed factors vs. variable factors of production. Short-run and long-run. Total, average and marginal product. The law of  diminishing  returns. Returns to scale. Technological change; Cost theory: Fixed and variable costs. Total average and marginal costs. The link between production and costs ;Market structure: Definition, Classification of market structure, Profit maximizing diagram of perfect competition, Perfect Competition: Profits, losses, break-even and shut-down condition ,monopoly market, Natural monopoly and its regulation deadweight loss due to monopoly. Monopolistic competition and oligopoly.

Principles of Management (MGT – 107) :

Introduction: Concept, process and significance of management, Managerial roles, an overview of functional areas of management, Development of management thought, Classical and neo-classical systems, Contingency approaches ;Environment: Internal and External Environment of Organizations ; Planning : Concept, process and types, Decision making – concept and process; Management by objectives; Corporate planning; Environment analysis; Strategy formulation; Organizing: Concept, nature, process and significance; Authority and responsibility relationships, Centralization and decentralization, Organization structure – forms and contingency factors ;Directing : Motivation – Concept & Theories – (Maslow, Alderfer, Herzberg, MClelland, Porter & Lawler, Vroom); Financial and non-financial incentives of Motivation, ;Leadership: Leadership Theories, Leadership styles. Communication – Type, process and barriers ;Controlling: Meaning - Nature - Principles - Control Process - Types of Control Methods- Requirements of Effective Controls ;Management of Change : Concept, nature and process of planned change; Resistance to change; Management in a changing environment.

Business Communication (COM-108):

Meaning, importance, uses and factors affecting communication; Cultural orientation in communication; Types of communication; Purpose, content and structure of written communication; Major media of written communication; Oral communication; Major media of oral communication; Non-verbal communication; Internal communication; Effective meeting; Information age and the use of computers in business communication; Audio-visual aids in communication; Business & Job letters, writing an Application Letter, Preparing a CV/Resume ;Business Reports: Characteristics, Importance and types of reports ; Structure of Reports ,Planning Business Reports, Preparatory steps of Writing Reports, Writing the Final Reports. ;Short Essay writing on topics relating to business world, Common Business Abbreviations and Acronyms, Meaning and use of Commercial terms; Art of addressing Meeting and  Conferences.



Principles of Accounting (ACC – 105):

Introduction to Accounting: Concept & Definition of Accounting, Objectives of Accounting, Book Keeping Vs Accounting  Users of Accounting Information ; Accounting Process : Double-Entry Accounting Recording Process; Accounting Equation-Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation; Accounting cycle: Steps of the Accounting Cycle-Identification and Recording of Transactions and other Events-Journalisation, posting to the Ledger, preparation of Trial Balance; Special Journals: Special Journals: Advantages of Special Journals-Cash Receipts Journal, Sales Journal, Purchases Journal, Cash Payments Journal, and General Journal ; Worksheet: Unadjusted Trial Balance – Adjustments-Prepaid Expenses, Unearned Revenue, Accrued Liabilities or Expenses, Accrued Assets or Revenues, Worksheet to prepare Financial Statements. 

Principles of Marketing (MKT – 110):

Introduction: Definition, nature, objectives, scope and importance, marketing concepts, approaches to study of marketing, role of marketing, marketing in various economic systems; Marketing functions: exchange functions, physical distribution functions, ancillary functions; Markets and buyer behavior: classification of market, market segmentation. Targeting and positioning; Marketing environment: macro and micro environment, organization’s internal environment, marketing mix ;Product: basic concept, classification, characteristics and marketing considerations of different types of consumer goods, industrial goods and services, product life cycle, diversification ; Price: importance, objectives, influencing factors for price determination, pricing methods, price policy and strategy; Channel of distribution: types and functions of channel, utility of channel, channel objectives and options, selection of channel of distribution ;Promotion: objectives and importance, promotional tool, promotional mix, promotional budget.

Business Mathematics-1 (MATH-111):

Number System; Mathematical Indication; Indices and Logarithms; Theory of Sets; Linear Equations and Inequalities; Quadratic Equation; Binomial Theorem; Permutations and Combinations; Progression; Mathematics of finance.

Computer Information System (COM-112):

Basic Computer Concepts – Different generations of computer hardware; Modern taxonomy of computers; Hardware and software; Programming languages; Basic computer applications; General idea of information and communication technologies; Information system development process. Computer Hardware; Computer Software; Computer networks and Internet Computer Applications: Essential features of computer systems and structures required for office automation, communications, control systems, data acquisition, interactive multimedia, networking, parallel processing and neural networks; Data base , DBMS, RDBMS, Corporate data base, Operating System, General maintenance of computer. 



Macro Economics (ECO – 201):

This course introduces to the principles of macroeconomic analysis; its analytical methods with current institutional and empirical issues. Topics include national income accounting; Issues relating to unemployment, inflation; Determination of output, price level, money and banking. It also gives an introductory account of the monetary and fiscal policies; Budget and trade deficits and exchange rates.

Financial Management (FIM – 202):

Introduction : Definition of financial management, Objectives of financial management, The function of financial manager; The goal of the financial management, Value maximization as a goal; The Agency problem – Financial decisions – Functions of the financial officer; Financial environment; The time value of money; Risk and return; Valuation concepts and models; Short term financing; Intermediate – term financing; Cost of capital; Capital budgeting.

Business Statistics (STAT – 203) :

Introduction: Definition - nature - scope -functions - limitations - use of statistics in business; Data Collection and Presentation: Collection, Classification & tabulation of statistical data - frequency distribution and graphical representation of data ; Measures of Central Tendency: Mean median & mode - their computation and properties, problems; Measures of Dispersion: Absolute and relative measures of dispersion - computation and properties, problems ;Skewness, Moments and Kurtosis: Moments from arbitrary value - moments from mean - relation between moments - measures of skewness & kurtosis and their uses ;Regression and correlation: Difference between regression and correlation analysis -  regression line - scattered diagram - regression equation - regression coefficients -significance of the study of correlation and causation - coefficients of correlation rank correlation coefficients ;Probability: Meaning - addition and multiplication theorems - sample space - events - marginal conditional probability - statistical independence of events - Baye's Theorem expected value.

Business Law (LAW – 204) :

Introduction: Concepts and Definition, Objectives, Roles ;Law of Contract: Definition - essential elements of contract - classification of contracts - offer and acceptance - consideration - capacity to contract - free consent, contract made through agents- remedies for breach of contracts ;Partnership Act: Definition of partnership, essential elements of partnership - formation of partnership - relation of partners and their powers, rights and duties - dissolution of partnership and its consequence ;Sale of Goods Act: Definition - essential elements of contract for the sale of goods - stipulation of sale - transfer of ownership ;Negotiable Instrument Act: Definition and nature of negotiable instrument - types of negotiable instruments - rights and liabilities of different parties of negotiable instruments-dishonor of negotiable instruments ;Carriage of Goods Act: Carriage of goods by road, sea and air - laws relating to goods by road, sea and air ;Insolvency Act: Insolvent and its nature - effects of insolvency and discharge of liability ;Companies Act: Definition, features and classification of companies formation, memorandum and articles of association - commencement of business - management and winding up of company.



Industrial Social Science (ISS-205):

Meaning, Nature, Importance, Tasks, scopes, Industrial Society & Industrial Sociology, Industry  & Society, The Social structure of Industry, Industrialism, The worker & the Industry, Commitment of labor to Industry, Work, Social beliefs, values & attitudes; The social structure of industry-theories of organization, classical, bureaucratic, contingency- Roles in industry: executive role, staff role, and worker role. 


Human Recourse Management (HRM – 206):

Introduction to Human Resource Management: Importance of Human Resource Management; Environment of Human Resource Management; HRM and Personnel Management; Human Resource Planning and Forecasting; Recruitment and Selection; Job design and Analysis; Performance Appraisal; Discipline, Dismissals and Termination; Training and Development; Motivation and Job Satisfaction; Forms of employee participation; labor Relations; Work Environment; International HRM

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (END – 208):

Concept and meaning of Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship as a factor of Economic Development; Theories of Entrepreneurship; Characteristics of Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Motivation; Environment for Entrepreneurship development; History of Entrepreneurship Development – Japan, USA, UK, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh; Sources and Procedures of Government and Private Assistance for Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh; Governmental regulations concerning Entrepreneurship Development; Problems of Entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh.

Operations Management (MGT – 302) :

Introduction to Operations Management ;the role of operations manager, operations strategy, process related issues, overview structures, process choice, product and service investment decision, analysis and solution of problems in productivity, inventory, scheduling and quality, capacity management and facility layout, the operations task and operations planning and control, materials management, the study and control of work, quality management.



Business Mathematics –2 (MATH-209):

Geometry of two Dimension; The Straight lines; Determinants   and Vectors; Matrices; Function; Limit and Continuity of a Function; Differentiation and Use in Business problem; Maxima and Minima; Partial Differentiation; Integration and Use in Business Problems; Differential Equations.   


International Business (BUS – 210):

Historical background for international business; International business and its environment; International monetary exchange; National boundaries, nationalism, the multinational firm; The international environment; Financial and trade oriented institution; International liquidity; Balance of payments; Financial instruments; Economic integration, alliances and co-operation; Inflation and devaluation; Global business strategy. 

Organizational Behavior (MGT – 212) :

Nature of Organizational behavior; Individual behavior – Personality, Learning and perceptions; Values and attitude; Organizational Stress – frustration anxiety and conflict; Motivation; Group behavior – basic concepts, roles, norms and status; Group dynamics; Communication; Power, politics and influence; Leadership; the organizational Culture; Change and resistance to change; Group problem solving and decision making; Manager as a diagnostician; Cultural variables affecting organizations working and managing inter firm and intra firm relations; Morale; Counseling; Organization as a coalition.

Industrial Psychology  (PHY-306):

Introduction: Definition, Scope, Methods and Branches of Psychology (with special reference to Industrial/Organizational Psychology);Major Viewpoints : Behaviouristic approach, Gestalt school, Psychoanalytic school(Freud) ;Sensation, Attention and Perception : a) Attributes and classification of sensation, b) Attention – Determinants, shift, fluctions, distraction, c) Perception – Definition, Determinants; Learning Process : Factors of Learning, Theories – Connectionism, Classical and Operant Conditioning, Programmed Learning; Memory: Encoding, Storage, Retrieval; STM, LTM, Other types. Forgetting – its causes; Emotion: Reaction (types), Physiological mbasis; Intelligence: Definition, Concept of IQ, Emotional Intelligence ; Personality :Definition, Types, Traits, Tests.



Socio-Economic Profiles of Bangladesh (ECO –211):

Characteristics of under developed economy, Obstacles to economic growth (political, international, financial), Vicious circle; Economic Growth-meaning and measures of economic growth- several models of economic growth; Economic history of Bangladesh during Mughols, British and Pakistan, Present structure of Bangladesh’s economy; Agriculture’s role in economic development and related issues- Evaluation of industrial sector of Bangladesh; Role of industry in economic development, Evaluation of industrial sector of Bangladesh; Human Resource Development-Population growth and its impact on economic growth-present human situation in Bangladesh. 

Applied Statistics  (STAT-301):

Probability and its application, Random Variables and Probability Distribution ;Discrete Probability Distributions; Continuous Probability Distributions; Sampling Distribution ;Estimation of Parameters; Tests of  Hypothesis; Small Sampling Theory ;Chi-Square test ; Index Number ;Analysis of Variance: ;Business Forecasting and Time Series Analysis

Banking Theory and Practice (FIN- 305):

Evaluation of  bank & Banking institutions; Classification of Banks :Commercial banks - Investment or Industrial banks - Exchange banks - Co-operative banks - Land Mortgage banks - saving banks - central Banks ;Commercial Banking : Functions of commercial Banks , Current deposits - Saving Deposits - Fixed deposits - agency Service - general ability service - Overseas trading services - information and other services -Bank and Economic Development ;Credit Management Policy: Credit policy - Credit analysis – Distressed Loans ;The Clearing House ;Management of Bank Portfolio :Investment analysis - Fund management - Bank Profitability Analysis ;Central Banking Theory : Nature and functions : Characteristics ,of a central bank ,Nature of Central Banking, Comparison between central banking and commercial. 

Cost Accounting (ACC - 312):

Introduction to cost Accounting; Cost Concepts ; Cost Classification; Cost Objective; Material; Labor & Overhead, Variable and Absorption Costing; Joint Cost Allocation; Contract costing and Service Costing



Auditing & Taxation (ACC-303):

Introduction to Auditing: Definition of auditing, Nature of Auditing, Types of Audits and Auditors;Auditing Theory: Auditing Theory-Conceptual Framework-Axioms of a theory of auditing-Auditing Concepts; The Auditing Profession: Chartered Accountant (CA) Firms and their Activities, Structure of CA Firms,; Audit Reports: Parts of the Audit Report, Categories of Audit Reports, Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting ; Legal Liability: The legal environment of audit profession, 

Introduction to Taxation: Meaning, Objectives of Taxation; History of Income Tax Act: Income for Tax Purposes - Characteristics - Classifications of Income and Their Effects, Residential Status of Assesses and Tax Liability; Heads of Income;Assessment Procedure: Tax Return and Assessment of Individuals ; VAT & Custom Duty - Gift Tax.

Environmental Science (ENV-304):

Introduction to Environment Science: Definition, principles and scope;  Types  and  components environment; Man-Environment relationship; Causes of environment destruction; Environmental ethics; Environment awareness programmes. ;Natural Resources : Awareness : Eco-System,  Atmosphere,  Land,  Water,  Forest,  Mines  & Minerals, Wetland, Bio-diversity, Conservation of natural resources ;Environmental Protection: Policies & Legislations : National environmental policy, Environmental Legislations, International Conventions and Agreements, GATT/WTO and environment, State Pollution  Control Board, Role of NGOs ;Environmental Management System : ISO – 14000, Environment Audit, Eco-Friendly products (Ecomark), Green Industry ;Environmental Impact Assessment (EIM) : EIM – Methods and tools, Appraisal and clearence for industry, Evaluation System

Strategic Management (STM – 309):

Introduction: Strategy- Its meaning, historical background and types , concept of Strategic Management, Strategic Planning Process, Analyzing internal and external environments and identify organization’s strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities and threats, SWOT analysis and selection of strategy; Mission and Corporate stakeholders: Components of mission statement, vision and major goals, and corporate philosophies; Nature of Competitive Advantage: Meaning and generic building blocks of competitive advantage ; Total quality management (TQM): Deming’s 14 points to quality and PDCA cycle; The Five Forces Model: Analyzing each of the forces in the perspective industry environment, and the determinants of each of them ; Business-level Strategy:  Different types of business- level strategy and their demerits and demerits; Corporate-level strategy : Types of corporate- level strategy-Stable growth , growth strategy , harvest strategy , defensive strategy and combination strategy ; Strategy in global environment : Historical evolution of global strategy, choice of entry mode wholly- owned subsidiaries; Implementing strategy : Role of organizational structure, managing conflicts, politics and change, ensuring strategic control, establishing leadership culture; Strategy in the internet era 

Marketing Management (MKT – 311) :

Introduction to Marketing Management: Meaning nature and scope of marketing management – objectives and responsibilities of marketing management ;Demand Measurement: Analyzing state of demand- Forecasting and measuring demand ;Analyzing marketing opportunities: Scanning the marketing environment- Analyzing consumer market and business market- Analyzing competitors-Market segmentation, targeting and positioning ;Managing product: Managing product life cycle ;Developing pricing strategies: Setting the price – Experience curve pricing, Legal aspects of pricing-price promotion ;Managing marketing channels: Channel design decisions-Management decisions-Channel dynamics ;Managing Marketing Communication: Designing, managing and coordinating integrated  marketing communication ;Managing Sales Force: Designing sales force – Recruiting, Training,, Motivating and evaluating  sales representatives; Organizing, Implementing and Controlling Marketing Programs:



Managerial Accounting (ACC – 207):

Introduction to Managerial Accounting: Concept and definition of Managerial Accounting ,Factors lead to develop of management accounting  ;Cost Behavior in Decision Making : Fixed and Variable Costs - Mixed Cost , Product Cost and Period Cost; Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Relationships: Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis - Assumptions and Uses of Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis - Break-even  Analysis, ;Budgetary Control: Definition and Explanation budget-Budgeting -Budgetary Control  ,Classification of  Budgeting ;Capital Budgeting: Definition and Explanation ,Estimating cash flow; project evaluation and selection; Pay Back method; Accounting Rate of Return method; Net Present Value Method (NPV) ;Financial Statement Analysis : Define and Explanation FSA, Advantages & Limitations of FSA, Tools and techniques of FSA, Various Types of ratio.

Insurance and Risk Management (FIN-307):

Introduction to insurance; life insurance; marine insurance; fire insurance; miscellaneous insurance; risk management; insurance business in Bangladesh.

Research Methodology (RES-308):                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Introduction to research methodology in social science; science and knowledge, methods in science, scientific methods; Hypothesis – meaning, types, formulation, and uses in research; Logical reasoning – deduction and induction, observation, participation and experiment; Analogy and inference; Explanation and causation; Concepts constructs, variables and paradigms; Measurement and scaling techniques; Test of reliability and validity; Generalization of hypothesis and its extension to theoretical framework; Research in business; Steps followed in conducting a research -  problem definition, hypothesis formulation, research design, data collection, data summarization and analysis, presentation and report writing, use of research findings. 

Business Finance (FIN -310):

Introduction to Business Finance: Definition and nature of Business Finance, Role and importance of Business Finance, Financial planning and control, purpose of financial planning and control; Pro forma balance sheet model of financial planning; financial control; operating and financial breakeven analysis, operating and financial leverage; Management of cash and marketable securities; receivable management;  Short term financing – sources of short term financing, short term bank loans, accounts payable; Long term financing – common stocks, preferred stocks, bonds and leasing; Dividend polic

Concentration Courses: 18 credits


Major in Accounting:

Advanced Cost accounting (ACC-401):

Cost Estimation and Regression Analysis: Cost Estimation approaches-Engineering studies-Account Classification –Regression Analysis for Cost Estimation-Regression Equation –Multiple Regression –Planning for Regression Analysis of Business Data ;Cost Allocation: The terminology for Cost Allocation-Purposes of Cost Allocation-Criteria to guide Cost Allocation Decision-Allocation costs from one department to another department-Allocating costs of service department and common costs. Cost pool-Single pool vs. Dual pool-choosing cost application bases-contribution to Cost Allocation-Cost justification and reimbursement ;Direct and Absorption Costing: Variable costing and Absorption costing-Impact of changes in Manufacturing Environment-Comparison of Variable and Absorption Costing-Advantage of Variable Costing-dangers of Variable costing-Variable costing for External Reporting –Role of various denominator levels in Absorption costing-Characteristics of Capacity-Measurement of Capacity-Inventory and Income effects-Adjusting inventories for External reporting ;Operation Costing and Backflush Costing: Overviews of Operation Costing-Journal entries for an Operation Costing System-Operation Costing and Activity based costing-Definition of Backhflush Costing-Different versions of Backflush costing-Journal entries for Backflush Costing.

Advanced Accounting (ACC-402):

Company Accounts : Concept & Definition of Company ,Features of company Classification of Company , Advantages of company, limitations of company,  Accounts to be prepared under company  law, Elements of company balance sheet, Constructive Problem, Branch accounts : Meaning of Branch and Branch accounting, Objectives of Branch Accounting, Types of Branch, Features of branches, Accounting procedure of Branch, Constructive Problem, Departmental Accounts :Definition of Department and Departmental Accounting , Objectives of departmental accounting , Advantages of Department Accounts , Types of Department , Accounting Procedure , Distinction between Departmental Accounts and Branch Accounts, Constructive Problem Royalty accounts :  Definition , Types of royalties , Rent  Vs Royalties  , Different  terms of royalty account , Constructive Problem Amalgamation , acquisition / Absorption and reconstruction : Definitions  of Amalgamation , acquisition / Absorption and reconstruction, Differentiation of Amalgamation , acquisition / Absorption and reconstruction, Types of Amalgamation, Methods of Accounting for Amalgamation,

Accounting and Information System (ACC-403):

Accounting Systems Concepts: The changing role of the accountant- Accounting information systems- AIS and MIS- Accounting as a System- Users of Accounting Information Management Structure- Models of Decision Making- Human Aspect of the AIS- Transaction processing- Computer Hardware and Software In AIS- Computerized Accounting Systems-- Tools to implement Accounting Systems. AIS in Operation Controls: Operation and Control of Purchases- Operation and Control of Sales- Operation and Control of Cash Transactions- Payroll Accounting-   Inventory, Control Budgeting and Budgetary Control- Computer Assisted Operating Control Systems, AIS in Management Control: AIS Characteristics and Criteria for Management Control- AIS Data Support for Management Control Al's MIS use Mix in Management Control- Accountants and Management Control Interface- Management Control Decision using AIS. Strategic Decisions: DSS, AIS and AI/ES: AIS in Corporate Planning- Decision Support System (DSS)- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems (ES). System Design, Development and Implementation: System Analysis- Systems Design- Systems Justification and Selection Systems Implementation- Systems Operation and Evaluation. Accounting system of the Sector Corporations Uses of Accounting Software, Benefits and Limitations.

Strategic Management Accounting (ACC-404):

Introduction to Strategic Management Accounting: An Introduction: Historical evolution of Management Accounting –Strategic Management Accounting- Definition of Strategic Management  Objectives of Strategic Management, Strategic Management Accounting Techniques ,Difference between Management Accounting and Strategic Management Accounting. Vision, Mission, Strategy, Goals, and Objectives and Strategy Topology: Vision statement and mission statement-strategy-goals-strategic, decisions-strategic business unit-types of strategy; Activity Based Costing: Definition ABC- Traditional Cost systems and ABC systems–Advantages or Benefits ,Disadvantages Step for implementing Activity-Based Costing , Customer Profitability Analysis/Customer Analysis (CPA); Strategic Cost Management: Lean production-JIT production and ABC-Target Costing, Kaizen costing and Product Life Cycle Costing,-Product Development-Value Engineering! Analysis-Quality Function Deployment; Relevant Cost for Decision Making: Cost Concepts for Decision Making, Relevant cost concept, Why relevant cost analysis, Identify relevant cost and benefit, Different Costs for different purposes, Adding or Dropping product lines, Make or buy decision, Sell/process further, Utilization of constraint resource; Cost of Quality, Total Quality Management: Quality Conformance- Prevention costs-Appraisal costs-Internal failure costs- External failure costs-  Quality cost Report; Responsibility Accounting: Decentralization of Organization,  Advantages and disadvantages of Decentralization, Responsibility Center and Segment Reporting-Key financial measures-ROI, RI, EVA, MVA. –Transfer Pricing

Advanced Auditing (ACC-405):

International Standard on Auditing : Objectives and Basic Principles Governing an Audit : ISA # 18, ISA @ 23, Auditing Engagement Letter ISA # 2, Planning ISA # 4, First Year Audit Engagement : ISA @ 28 and other ISA, Analytical Procedures (ISA 520) : Introduction, Nature and purpose of Analytical procedures, Analytical Procedure and Risk Assessment Procedures, Substantive Analytical Procedures, The Reliability of Data, Investigating Unusual items, Using the work of another Auditor, Using the work of an expert. Audit of a Limited Company : Qualification, Appointment, Remuneration of Auditors, Power, Duties, Rights and Status of an Auditor, Auditor Report, Corporate Governance Certification, Audit of Private Limited Company, Group of Companies, Holding Companies and their Subsidiaries, Joint Audits, Responsibilities of Joint Auditor. Government Audit : Nature and Objectives of Government Audit, Duties and Powers of Comptroller and Auditor General, Audit Code of Government of Bangladesh. Audit against Regularity, Audit of Grants and Aids, Local Authority Audit.  Management Audit : Development of Operational/Management Audit; Structure, Scope, Need and Steps in Management Audit, Quality of Management Auditor, Function of Management Auditor, Mechanism of Management Audit. Cost Audit : History of Cost Audit, Reasons for introducing Cost Audit, Objectives of Cost Audit, Advantage of Cost Audit, Cost Records. Auditor’s report and certificate: Definition, importance, features, contents, Types auditor’s report of sole-tradership, partnership and company, auditor’s report Vs auditor’s certificate- Ground for qualification of auditor’s report. Auditing standard and standard practice in auditing: Definition and classification of auditing standard, organizations influencing auditing standards, international auditing standard and guidelines, Auditing standards guideline published ICAB, Auditing profession in Bangladesh-standard practice in auditing- techniques of auditing- ethics

and corporate Government.

Advanced Financial Accounting (ACC-406):

Introduction to IAS, GAAP & Bangladesh Accounting Standards: Conceptual Framework of Accounting, FASB, Accounting concepts, GAAP , Accounting principles, Accounting conventions, Financial Statement: uses and limitations of an income statement, single-step, income statement, multiple-step income statement, Earnings per share, Retained earnings statement, Comprehensive income ,Balance Sheet: Definition, Usefulness of the Balance Sheet, Classified Balance Sheet, Specimen of   B/S, Preparation of Balance Sheet, major disclosure techniques for balance sheet. Statement of Cash Flows: Purpose of Statement of Cash Flows, the contents of Statement of Cash Flows, preparing a basic Statement of Cash Flows, Multinational Accounting: Foreign Currency Translation, Accounting for Foreign Currency Translation(IAS 21), Segment and Interim Reporting: Reporting for segment (IAS-14) ,The format for interim Reporting ,SEC Reporting: Securities & Exchange Commission, Investments: Debt   Investment-Debt  securities, Bond interest and amortization, Held-to-Maturity, Trading security’ Available for sale. Equity security, holding less than 20%, holding more than 20%, differences between the methods of recording in cost  method and equity method. 

Major in Finance

Corporate Finance (FIN-401):

Accounting statements and cash flow – analysis of financial statements, assessment of firm’s performance based on liquidity, leverage, and profitability, use of Du Ponte model; NPV – compounding and discounting of cash flows from business operations and calculating net present value (NPV) of projects; annuities – uniform cash inflows and outflows from business operations and calculating their NPV, treatment of uneven cash flows and growth models; valuation of stocks – calculation of dividend, dividend yield, capital gain and total gain from purchase and sale of stocks, treatment of cash dividends, stock dividends, right shares and brokerage commissions; valuation of bonds – calculation of yield to maturity (YTM) of bonds given interest payments, maturity and market price; appraisal of investment projects – appraisal of mutually exclusive projects using NPV, IRR and payback period, decision on acceptance or rejection of projects; calculation of risk – estimation of beta, risk premium and cost of capital for investment projects; yield curve – type of yield curve, use of yield curve, forecasting of interest rate using yield curve.

Working Capital Management (FIN-402):

Introduction : Concept of Working Capital Management, types of Working Capital Management: Definition, Importance of WCM, Methods of determining WCM, Conservative and Aggressive approach of WCM:; Cash Management and Marketable Securities : Management of cash inflows and outflow. Motives for holding cash, money market instruments and lockbox location: Cash concentration forecasting. Hedging cash balance uncertainty. Methods of cash management and temporary investment: Baumol, Beranek, Stone model: Types and Criteria of selecting securities ; Receivable management & credit policies: Terms of sales decision: Credit granting decisions. Monitoring of Accounts Receivables: ; Inventory Management: Objective of IM; Determination of optimum level of inventory. IM: under certainty and uncertainty approach; Models of Inventory Management;Management of Short Term Liabilities : Need for short term financing (STF); Sources of short term financing, calculating the cost of STF: ;Working Capital Management in International Setting : Need for International Working Capital, Settings; Need for IWC; Sources of Risk; Hedging of risk; International cash. Receivables and inventory Management ;Contemporary issues in Working Capital management : Working Capital Management in Bangladesh. 

Financial Institutions and Capital Markets (FIN-403):

Introduction :Overview of the Financial Environment and determinants & structure of Interest Rate: Overview of Financial Markets, Securities traded in financial market, Valuation of securities in financial markets, Market efficiency, Role of Financial institutions in financial markets; Determination of Interest Rate; Loanable fund theory, Economic factors that affect interest rate, Characteristics of debt securities that cause their yield to vary, Yields across securities, A closure look at the term structure; Structure of Interest rate, Characteristics of debt securities that cause yields to vary, a closure at the term structure ; Money Market and Bond Markets & valuation: Money market securities, Valuation of Money Market Securities, Risk of Money Market Securities: Bond Markets & valuation; Background on Bonds, Treasury Bonds, Government agency & similar issues, Corporate Bonds, Yield on Bond, bond valuation process, Explaining bond price movement, sensitivity of bond prices ;Mortgage Markets and Stock offerings & investor monitoring: Background on mortgages, Residential mortgage characteristics, Creative mortgage financing, Valuation of mortgages, Risk of investing in mortgages: Stock offerings & investor monitoring; Background on stocks, Initial public offerings, Secondary stock offerings, Stock exchanges, Monitoring by investors. ;Market Micro Structure and Mutual Fund: Stock market transaction, how trades are executed, regulation of stock trading: Mutual Fund; Background on mutual funds, load versus no load fund, open end versus closed end fund, stock mutual fund categories, bond fund categories, performance of mutual fund, money market funds.

Investment Theory (FIN-404):

Introduction to Investment, Securities, Securities Analysis, Portfolio and Portfolio Management; Investment : Business Investment and Financial Investment, Risk and Uncertainty, Different types of Risk, The Relationship between Risk and Return, Determinants of Required rate of Return, Selecting Investment in Global Market; The Role of Financial Market : Financial Market, Primary Market, Secondary Market, Regional exchanges and over the Capital Market, Detailed Analysis of Exchange Market, How Securities are Traded, Types of Order, Market Index, Stock Market Indicator Series, Derivative Markets and Securities, Types of Derivative, Forward and Future Markets and Option Markets ; Investment Theory : Efficient Market Theory, Alternative efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), Utility Theory, Optimum Portfolio and Portfolio Theory, Makrowitz Portfolio Theory ;Pricing Models : Capital Assets Pricing Model Assumption, Expected Return and Risk on a Risky Asset, the Security Market Line, Arbitrage Pricing Model (APM), Assumptions the Theory, The CAPM and APM, A Multifactor APM, Empirical Tests of the APM ;The Financing Decision : The Uses ad Limitations of Weighted Average Cost of Capital, Adjusted present value, The Modigliani-Miller Proposition, The Optimal Capital Structure ;The Valuation of Securities : Valuation Process, The Theory of Valuation,  Valuation of Alternative Investments : Bonds, Preferred Stock and Common Stock Option Valuation, Swap Contracts, Convertible Securities and Other embedded Securities ;Investment Companies and Evaluating Portfolio Performances : The Asset Management Industry, Managing Client Portfolios, Management of Investment Companies, Closed-End vs Open-End Investment Companies, Global Investment Companies, Performance Measures : Sharpe’s Measure, Treynor’s Measure, Jensen’s Measure and Appraisal Ratio.

International Financial Institutions (FIN-405):

History of currency and exchange rate – transition from barter system to money, gold coin to gold standard and gold standard to freely convertible currency; types of exchange rate systems – pegged and floating exchange rate systems, stabilization of exchange rate under adjustable-pegged system; international currency markets – central banks and other players in the currency markets; determinants of exchange rate – factors determining exchange rate, e.g., imports and exports, inward and outward investments, interest rates and speculation; roles of IMF in stabilizing global financial system – Bretton Woods agreement and the pegged exchange rate mechanism by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stabilize global financial system, limitations of the pegged system and transition from pegged regime towards a floating exchange rate system; Special Drawing Rights – IMF quota, the need to expand IMF reserve and introduction of SDR, allocation of SDR quota; global financial crisis and IMF intervention – IMF intervention in global crises, such as 1974s OPEC Oil Crisis, 1980s Debt Crisis and 1997 Asian Currency Crisis;  financial meltdown of 2008  – analysis of causes and impacts of financial meltdown of 2008, measures taken by governments around the world..

Real Estate Finance (FIN-406):

Introduction:  Concept & Definition , types, Importance , Real Estate Business in Bangladesh, HBFC-Back ground, types of loan , Real Estate investment & Types ;Legal considerations of Real Estate Finance: Introduction; Financing residential, income generating and real estate properties; Real estate capital markets and securities, Property Rights and Estates, Assurance of Title, Methods of Title Assurance, Recording Acts, The Mortgage Instrument, Mortgage Default and foreclosure; The interest factor in Financing: Interest factor in financing; Compound Interest and Future value of an Annuity, Present Value of an Annuity, Accumulation of a Future Sum, Determining Yields or Internal Rates of Return on Investments; Fixed rate mortgage loan: Fixed rate mortgage loan; Determinants of Mortgage Interest Rates, Development of Mortgage Payment Patterns ;Mortgage Loan Payment Schedules: CAM, CPM , GPM-Definition, Calculation Procedures and Underwriting & financing Residential Properties: ARMs and Lender Considerations, The Price Level Adjusted Mortgage (PLAM), ARM an overview, ARM payment Mechanics and Shared Appreciation Mortgages, Underwriting Default Risk, Classification of Mortgage Loans ;Introduction to Commercial Property Markets,: Introduction to Commercial Property Markets; Property types; Valuation of Income Properties, Financing Land development project:  Income potential, Leases, Effective rent, Analysis of NOL, Commercial real estate property, Changes in capital market, changes in markets for rental spaces, Valuation of Income Properties; Appraisal process, Approaches to valuation-Sales comparison approach.

Major in Human Resource Management (HRM)

Labor Economics (HRM-401):

Introduction of labor economics: Introduction of labor economics, scope of labor economics, nature of labor economics, characteristics of labor ;Overview of labor market: Labor market classification, labor force and unemployment, sectoral pattern of unemployment; The demand for labor: The demand for labor consider wage changes, other forces affecting demand, market, industry and firm demand Supply of labor to the economy: The supply of labor, market and firm supply curve, other forces affecting supply, analysis of labor leisure choice; The determination of the wage ;The market clearing wage, disturbing the equilibrium, discussion on over paid and under paid, Minimum wage law concept Quasi fixed labor costs ;Non wage labor cost, hiring and training cost, employee benefits, Quasi fixed nature of many non wage cost, the employment hour trade-off  Human capital model: Cost and benefit of education, optimal investment in education, factors affecting human capital investment Worker mobility: Geographical mobility, the direction of migratory flow, personal characteristics of movers, analysis of gainers and losers, employee turnover and job matching, Pay and productivity: Compensation and productivity, higher pay increase productivity, earning increase with job tenure Inflation, unemployment and labor market issues in Bangladesh economy.

Compensation Management (HRM-402) 

Introduction to the Compensation Management: Concepts, the reward systems, the world of pay and compensation, organizational structure - strategic and tactical compensation issues, legislation's and compensation. Microeconomic Compensation Concepts: Job analysis, job description, job evaluation, surveying market pay and compensation practices, designing base pay structure, team-based pay on a knowledge-based world. Macroeconomic Compensation Concepts: Measuring and paying for performance, short-term incentives, long-term incentives and wealth building, executive and international compensation, benefits and services, pay delivery administration. Compensation System Development: Components of the Compensation System, Employee satisfaction and motivation issues in Compensation design, Internal equity, External equity and Individual equity, Admistering Compensation System. Incentive Compensation and Benefits: Linking pay to performance, Individual incentives, Group incentives, Executive Compensation, Role of benefits in reward systems, Types of benefits, Indirect Compensation.

Industrial Relations (HRM-403):

Introduction to Industrial Relations; changing socio-economic environment; Development of trade unionism; structure and activities of trade unions; Environment of bargaining; bargaining power, bargaining structure and bargaining issues; public sector differences; Contract administration; Grievance procedures; Industrial relations in Non- union organization and non- formal sector; Industrial relations and employee productivity, employee relations programs.

Manpower planning and Forecasting (HRM-404):

Importance of manpower planning; Issues in Human Resource Planning; Planning model; Determination of future human resource requirements, Determining future resource availability; Assessing gaps and objectives; Action planning to match the gaps; Human resource information system. 

Training and Development (HRM-405)

Training and development function; Strategy and training; Organizations of the training department; Training needs assessment; Learning and behavior; Designing of training programs; Training techniques; Technical training; Training and career development; Development career structure; Identifying organizational needs; Institutionalizing the career development system; Evaluating the system

Career Planning and Development (HRM-406):

The career development perspective – concept of career, significance, common myths about career, origin of career concepts, career concepts and personality, formulation of career strategy; the individual and the life cycle: individual development, stages and tasks of the career cycle, the stage and tasks of the family, constructive coping, characteristics of successful people; Career dynamics: entry to the organizational career, seven secrets for success, socialization and learning to work, mutual acceptance, development of career anchors, security, autonomy and creativity as career anchors, career anchors in perspective, mid- career matching, boundary crossing; Managing human resource planning and career stages, job/ role planning integrated approach, managing career.


Management Information System (MIS)

Management and Control of Information System (MIS - 401):

Discusses the use of an economics perspective to issues arising in the management and control of information systems. Topics include cost/performance trends in information technology, software development cost estimation, and systems project management, pricing computer services, and the strategic use of information technology.

Computer Programming (MIS - 402):

Introduction to Structured programming concepts and development process; Problem analysis, development of algorithm, flow charts and program development; Understanding programming languages and choosing a programming language to learn and write a program; Use of EDF and computer programming in the selected language(s) for problem analysis and decision making.

System Analysis and Design (MIS - 403):

Examines techniques required to conduct information systems analysis. Topics include concepts, phases, activities, and roles of SDLC, system feasibility study, cost benefit analysis of information systems, proposal evaluation; techniques for analyzing and documenting existing and proposed systems, structured analysis, data flow diagrams, data dictionaries, decision tables, state-transition diagrams, ER diagrams, and object-oriented techniques, selection of hardware and software; implementation and post implementation evaluation of systems.

Data Communication and Networking for Business (MIS – 404):

Investigates key concepts and theories of networking and data; Server topology; TCP/IP; Intranets communication; Concepts and approaches to networks; Network layers; PC networks for business, Data transmission; Variety of security issues such as SSL, SET, LAN technology; Server management and security; Business communication and application on Intranets and other networks.    

Electronic Commerce (MIS - 405):

 An overview of e-commerce; The root of e-commerce; Internet infrastructure; The ISP business: Internet service provider; Electronic commerce: service and products; Internet payment mechanism; Financial service and electronic commerce; Electronic commerce marketing; Business – to business electronic commerce and virtual organization; critical success factors for electronic commerce; Applicability of electronic commerce in the business sector in Bangladesh.                

Database Management System (MIS - 406):

This is a core course of database management system. Different database theories and management applications are included in the topics. Emphasis is given on theories of relational and semantic models of database. The course highlights different database models, database connectivity, and database concepts including database administrations, data storage and organizing database files on different database environments.

Major in Marketing

Consumer Behavior (MKT-401):

Marketing concept and consumer behavior; Utility and need satisfaction; Communication with consumer; Consumer adoption and diffusion process; Repurchase, purchase and post purchase behavior; Product involvement and type of purchase decision; Understanding consumer, demographic, social and psychographics factors influences of external factors; Model of homan behavior; Classification of situation influencing consumer behavior; Consumer decision process; Consumer movement and consumerism; institutional buying behavior; consumer and price; Consumer and institutional  decision; Household, Sales  person and advertising.

International Marketing (MKT-402):

The meaning and concept of domestic marketing, international marketing & global marketing; The scope and challenge of international marketing; International marketing mix; Entire international marketing process; Formulation of international marketing strategy on product, promotion, price, Logistics and distributing; Segmenting, targeting and positioning into international market; Controllable and uncontrollable factors of global marketing environment; Cross cultural communication and conflicts; International  economics and trade; Theories of international trade and investment; Barter trade and counter trade; Modes of International trade; Entry strategies for global market; The process of export and import business including relevant documents; Analysis of balance of payment position and foreign currency market; The rapid changes of international business; Cooperation among nations & understanding the international monetary system in domestic and global economic environment; International marketing research. These topics are studied in the Bangladeshi contest. The course also covers consumer behavior in major trading countries of Bangladesh and arrangements such as The EU and SAARC. International trading laws concerning marketing company survival and growth in the coming years will require a move toward global marketing and its many potential rewards and risks. This course also covers solving international and global Cases including HBS Case Study: “IKEA Invades America” ; “Haier: Taking a Chinese Company Global” and “Starbucks --Going Global Fast”

Marketing Research (MKT-403):

Definition, Scope research; Why research; Need for information; Types of research; type and source of information; Research methods; Methods of collecting data measurement and scale; designing instrument for collection of information, field operation data summarization, analysis (unvariate and bivariate) and interpretation of findings, presentation (oral and written) of findings and use of    research findings. 

Advertising &Promotion Management (MKT-404):

Advertising and promotion management, Advertising communication Integrated Marketing Communication, Advertising management program, Advertising Appeal, Media strategy and selection, Advertising copy ,Advertising Budget, Audience for advertising, Customer chain Presentation and demonstration. Personal selling, Public Relation, Publicity, Sales promotion

Service Marketing (MKT-405):

Explores the marketing of services in consumer, business, not –for- profit and global setting. Management of the marketing effort for service businesses (hotel, restaurant, banks, legal firms, medical offices etc.)   Using case analysis, exercise and projects, which deal with crucial aspects of service design and marketing delivery. Investigate the nature of services and the theories, concepts, tactics and strategies for solving marketing problems, improving service quality and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Strategic Marketing (MKT-406):

Introduction to Strategic Marketing: Market-Driven Strategy, Corporate, Business and Marketing Strategy, Markets, Segments and Customer Value: Markets And Competitive Space, Strategic Market Segmentation, Capabilities For Continuous Learning About Markets, Cases for Part II, Designing Market-Driven Strategies: Market Targeting and Strategic Positioning, Strategic Relationships, CRM , Planning for New Products, Cases for Part III, Market-Driven Program Development: Strategic Brand Management, Value Chain Strategy, Pricing Strategy And Management, Promotion, Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategies, Sales Force, Internet and Direct Marketing Strategies, Cases for Part IV, Implementing and Managing Market-Driven Strategies: Designing Market-Driven Organizations, Marketing Strategy Implementation and Control, Cases for Part V, Comprehensive Cases: Microsoft Corporation, Samsung Electronics, General Electric Appliances, Slendertone, Toyota, Pfizer, Inc. Animal Health Products (A), Capital, Dura-Plast, Incorporated, Wal-Mart


Project Management (MGT - 401):

Meaning and types of project – Characteristics and usefulness of industrial and other development projects – Project development cycle; Market appraisal:- Information required for market and demand analysis – Sources of  information – Market survey – Demand forecasting; Technical appraisal:- Production technology – Product mix – Machinery and equipment – Structures and Civil works – Project charts and layouts – Work Schedules; Financial Appraisal:- Cost and benefits of projects – Social cost benefit analysis – Means of financing – Profitability analysis; Project Management in Bangladesh:- Project processing procedures related to industrial projects in the public sector – Organizations involved with the project processing in the public sector – Monitoring and evaluation system.  

The strategy concept, concept of five Ps, strategy analysis, forecasting and strategy formation, & SWOT framework, strategy and organizational planning, the structuring of organization, study on different organizations, long range formal planning and elements of long-term range planning.  

Organizational Structure and Design (MGT-402):

Various techniques and theories of organizational structure and design. Topics include classical, neo-classical, contemporary and emerging design approaches; functional, divisional, geographical, hybrid, and matrix structures; hourglass, cluster, and network structure; problems and perspectives in designing organizations and developing organizational structures.

Power, Leadership and Negotiations in Organization (MGT -403):

Analysis of individual behavior and influence in organization. Examines power structure and leadership theories applicable in modern business organizations, role of power and leadership in decision process. 

Management and Control of Information System (MGT-404):

Discussing of the uses of an economics perspective to issues in the management and control of information systems.  Topics include cost/ performance trends in information technology, software development cost estimation, and systems project management, pricing computer service, and the strategic use of information technology.

Total Quality Management (MGT-405):

Examines major issues of TQM, principles and theories and addresses evaluation of TQM as the latest approach of management through model building and analysis.  Topics include: Deming, Juran, and Crosby’sTQM principles, leadership information and analysis, JIT, Strategies Quality Planning, employee involvement and empowerment, HRM in TQM, management of process quality, Quality and operational results, customer focus and satisfaction, Buyer-supplier-customer relationships in TQM, TQM models, and techniques etc.

Management of Service Organization (MGT-406):

Examines the development of service packages, yield management, scheduling, queuing, management of professional services such as health care, tax consulting services, travels and tourism, banking and transport organization, particularly in South Asian region.  

The End

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